Noa Lily
@Noalily · 1:19

Redlining and Environmental Racism

So I'm just going to keep replying to this initial message and you can listen to the conversation that is created from it. And I'm really excited because you will all be helping with my school project. So you will all be participating in creating something really awesome excited to create this and to see what is created

Join in on this conversation!! Psst it’ll help with my super cool project🥰

Noa Lily
@Noalily · 4:24

Redlining P. 1 Sorry I know it’s a bit wordy!

So therefore, black Americans could not buy houses as easily as white Americans and were, in turn, pushed into Noa affluent neighborhoods, which prevented intergenerational wealth from being accumulated in black households, and therefore positioned black Americans so far behind white Americans on a financial and social level, which ended up prohibiting social and economic mobility for communities of color in America
Noa Lily
@Noalily · 4:09

More on the physical effects of redlining and environmental racism

And there's a high likelihood that it would damage property and impair coastal water quality, which affects the people living in these areas but not Oakland overall. On top of this, all these targeted communities are less Lily to be able to afford emergency supplies for insurance because there's a lack of resources available. So it's complicated because it turns into this vicious cycle
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:03

@noalily Awesome swell! Look forward to more!

And then I'm interested to see if you talk about because I live in New York City and here they talk about that in the form of how they're all these you know, we have mass transit where everybody has mass transit, I suppose. But like the busty poles are in black communities, Latino communities and asthma. So the instances of asthma in these communities aligned with where all these bust depots are. And I think you world probably look at something like this all over the country, I guess
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:50


And yeah, I think think it's interesting because you're in Oakland to go there and to help us understand right at your doorstep what you're seeing and then seeing how that world be applied to other cities and other ways that people to become educated and more and frankly, confrontational of the systemic problems in terms of talking to people who are perpetuating them. That's really exciting to me to see how this can grow into some kind of activating Swell cast that help people make change

The Ghetto as an idea of enslavement & seperation. 🙏🏽🤓💭❤️💯.

They were just literally animal property, like they were property. And now we've given them equal access, such as we're now considering that they're human. Where do we place such things? Excuse me if I refer to them as things and that offends people, but we're only speaking through the minds of an early racist American citizen and the government, these structures that create these laws and vote these laws and think that this is the way to steer and govern America
Luke Gibson
@Goodwolf · 3:19
Respectfully, unless you mean ethnicism or the proper overall encompassing word bigotry. Yeah. Basically meaning someone really hateful. If you're saying racism, you mean a human who is racist against a form of human. Well, then you probably mean ethnic or ethnicism because then you're referring to a certain genome set that does things like, let's say, pigmentation, difference in the skin or dietary differences and restrictions as to what the body is actually capable of digesting
Luke Gibson
@Goodwolf · 1:07
Side note so race is a technically funny word for species. You're looking at ethnic group, you're looking at on the scale of breeds. Really. It's just another way to say I'd be like Caucasian or let's say Indo Asian or East Asian. Let's say let's say European, whatever. Of course, you go with another species like dogs, which technically the breeds of that are a sub. It is a technical sub species. So you're going with breeds of dog
Ray Remnant
@RayRemnant · 3:59

Just some thoughts!

But if we see historically the statistics about how disadvantaged people don't have opportunities and about how progress actually serves those people that already have the means to survive and to have better lives. And so what is the point of having specialized people, educated people, serving other educated people and specialized people when there are specially marginalized communities that should deserve more of these resources, more of our thinking, how can we really get society to be better off tomorrow?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Noa Lily
@Noalily · 1:34


Hello. I just wanted to come on here and quickly just respond to your response. First of all, thank you so much. You've offered a lot of insight and I actually learned so much in the four minutes that you shared with me. I think growing up we kind of regulate these different terms like racism and everything else that you mentioned within your response to me. And I personally never thought twice about the terms that I was using because that was just kind of what was offered to me
Noa Lily
@Noalily · 3:05


Hello. Just want to respond on here and kind of offer you some insight and also some gratitude for you bringing up this idea of the crisis with how asthma is persisting within thought communities in New York City. It kind of prompted me to do some more research because even though this topic, my project is based in the Bay Area, specifically within Oakland and this specific area, there are a lot of patterns that we see within these big metropolis. I can't speak today
Noa Lily
@Noalily · 2:09


I was in class today, and our last unit for the class that I'm doing this project for was Environmental Justice Issues within Oakland, which I honestly didn't even know was going to be our final unit project or unit topic of study until after I had come up with the prompt for what I wanted to do for this project. So I think that it just fits together very well
Noa Lily
@Noalily · 2:51


Wow. First of all, thank you so much for your kind words. It's very validating to know that people are listening to this and are interested because this is a topic that I'm not an expert on at all all that I am trying to learn more about. And you learn a lot through teaching. But you just brought up a lot of really interesting points and a lot of information that I wasn't very familiar with, just kind of Luke, reiterating what you said
Noa Lily
@Noalily · 0:55


The winners and the losers, if one person is rich, they're rich in comparison to the one who is poor. And I never really thought about that in terms of this issue. So just really loved this idea. And I appreciate you coming on here and listening to this project come to be and also joining in. So thank you so much