Noa Lily
@Noalily · 4:59

Tate & Gillian & Nate

No, I'll just be Tate. I'm Tate. I'm a senior. I'm an environmental science major and ecosystem management and forestry minor. And one thing I did outside of school was work for Berkeley fire department this year. Nice. I'm Jillian. I'm a senior studying landscape architecture. And one thing I did outside of school was be on the coordinator team for Camp quesum for two years with Noah. Hi, I'm Nate, and I'm a conservation and resource studies major

three this time!! this is a fun one so listen up

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:11
How fun. I love this kind of playful involvement with your friends and such solid, strong answers. Definitely cool. Definitely cool group you got there. Thanks for sharing