Noa Lily
@Noalily · 3:20

Coffee Shop Talk

I could buy chai, concentrate, make it at home, save so much money. But there's something about going into the coffee shop and leaving the house. Maybe it's because we're living in a world that is so dedicated to fostering online and virtual communities that any of the in person interactions that you have, at least for me personally, I really cherish those

What brings you joy!

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:18
It's really nice that it's so in our hands to give ourselves these little gifts in the day. And yeah, you could just make the coffee at home. I usually have my morning coffee at home and I have my little reflective moment before I really dive into the day and all the things I have to do. But the ritual of going to a coffee shop, it is so special. It's involving yourself with people
John Barton
@weatherjohn · 0:05

Making my coffee

Just about to make some morning coffee. What about?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 4:18
The other day I went to a spice shop, and at that spice shop, you're able to sample the spices, just put a little on your hand, and then with your other hand, you can taste it. And that, to me, brought me joy. Because as I was going through all these different spices, some I've heard of, some I haven't, some they're, like, different from different countries that I've had from others, even different spice mixes