Noa Lily
@Noalily · 3:54

Sevilla vs Seville

I know that this sounds silly, but for the longest time, I've always had the question of whether it's Barcelona or Barcelona. And it's just this age old dilemma of what is the right pronunciation? Is it rude if I say it one way or another? But I guess it's never really made a big impact in my life because I was living in Los Angeles and rarely of actually needing to say the name anyways

The age-old question! Someone give me an answer please 🙏 #NoainLisbon

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:23
And I think they would really appreciate, and most of all, just really understand if you said sevilla, because your accent is also good. And in terms of saying graphias with the soft c, I think that's fine too. I don't know, I don't interpret it as appropriating or, I don't know, even mocking the accent. I think it's trying to communicate with people
Noa Lily
@Noalily · 1:01


It's not cultural appropriation, but rather just trying to respect the culture and really participate as much as you can, especially while you're living here. Why not try and really take it on to the best of your abilities? But I'm definitely still going to try and go visit Sevilla because it's on the top of my list. And yeah, I really appreciate you coming on here and responding