Nishtha Saxena
@Nishtha07 · 2:30

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

If this world has given problems then this world has given multiple solutions to that one single problem. There are multiple ways to deal with that problem of yours. And trust me, we are all in this together. If you have a problem then you also do have a solution. The only thing is that we are focusing. We spend so much time on focusing on the problem that we forget about the solutions. So just focus on the solutions equally

#solutions #optimistic #life

Nupur Chauhan
@Nupur_23 · 0:42
I hope you keep continuing such positive swells and keep reminding us the facts. That how important it is to find solutions while we do think about our problems, but we also keep working to find the solutions. Thank you