Whats up chocolate lovers

So this means that if you come to a haka nowadays, if you go to a funeral, to a wedding, the community will give you a chocolate. And this history has more than 800 years ago, and we are doing a lot of work to keep preserving these traditions, to share it with the new generations. So we decided to create our social venture that is Wahakanita Chocolate. And what exactly does that mean, a social venture? Okay, that's a very cool question

#TED2023 #TEDFelllws

souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:23
It's okay. Now I want to move to Wahaka. You can go to a wedding and get chocolate. You go to a funeral home and you get chocolate. This sounds like heavenly. Seriously. Or I could apply for a job. Or, let's see. Nina, could you get my visa application started? Yum
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:38
You. I love this. As a candy maker myself, my candy company is called East Tasty Candy Company. I don't make chocolate. That is a whole nother skill. I have a friend who's a chocolate tear here in Nashville, Tennessee, and she and I are on the same page. Let her do the chocolate and I'll do everything else
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:19

@JordanTepper #CandyMaker

Ahead. Hey, Jordan, it's Suzanne here. I'm curious what kind of candy you make and how long you've been making it, and what are you known for? Or what is your specialty, and what do people in Nashville really love that you make, and do you ship out of town? Thanks
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:21

@ninaberries @germsant #chocolate #AskAnExpert

You. Hi. Can you tell us a little bit more about your chocolate and what makes it unique and where you derive the recipe in recipes and what seems to be your best seller and also how can we buy it here in the United States? Thanks
Germán Santillán
@germsant · 2:30


We also prepare some alcoholic drinks using the chocolate. And some of the flavors that you can taste when you are eating Mexican chocolates are very related to earthy, the flavors of cinnamon and are very peculiar because they gave a spicy toach to the chocolate. And also when you are tasting it with water, it really warms you a lot and it is even much better than the traditional chocolate that you probably consume in the United States. And yeah, you can contact us directly to Wahakanita in our social media
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 2:36

@silentbowler East Tasty Candy Company @easttasty on Instagram

The name of my company is East Tasty Candy Company and started it years ago, right before COVID just for my mental health. I've actually been making candy for about six years now, and it just kind of blossomed into something else. And COVID let me experiment with different types of research and development. I just basically found flavors that I liked. I've been working in restaurants for a long time, so I have a good palate
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:18

Learning more about Mexican artisanal #chocolate #AskAnExpert @DBPardes@ninaberries

It really sounds fascinating and incredibly delicious and so very different. Really interesting process. Really different approach with your ingredients. I really can't wait to try it. Thank you
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:53

@JordanTepper learning about artisinal candy #AskAnExpert @ninaberries@DBPardes

And by the way, I can't wait to try your halifa. I'm from Iran, so I was raised with it. I've always disliked it, to be honest with you. But I have a feeling you have a fresh new approach to it. So tell me more. Thanks
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 3:23


And then I put chocolate powder in it and chocolate flavoring to make more of a mocha. But I don't put nuts in it because my son is deathly allergic to nuts. And I've seen that there's many different ways to make halva. I don't really sell it except for special requests because it's not cheap to make and tahini is not the cheapest ingredient to purchase. And not many people appreciate the candy itself
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:51

@germsant #AskAnExpert from a chocolate lover.

You know, I want to I thought of another question to ask you that I'm really curious about. One is you said you add it to drinks, and I was just wondering, could you give me an example of what that would be like and how it tastes and, like, when would that be a good time to do so, or is that something you do on a special occasion? Or do people come for that during an event?
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:36

@JordanTepper #AskAnExpert #CandyMaker

You. Hey, thanks for responding. I really find this incredibly fascinating. It seems like your approach to Candy is very much like a layered effect. Meaning that, like, you'll taste one thing and the next and then the next, and it isn't just, like, one dimensional, which I think is amazing, especially since we grew up with Candy that was very much one dimensional. So I'm really looking forward to seeing what else you come up with