Every day is Earth Day.

Hello. Yesterday, the 22 April was Earth day. But you know, for me, my friend, every day is Earth day. So this is my little teeny weeny little contribution as to what we can do to make Earth cleaner. You don't have to agree with me, but these are just some of the things I try to do. Don't buy fast fashion, recycle, reduce the use of electricity

#nature #earth #environment

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:28
I love these examples of contributions you can do. I do think I agree. Working on yourself also. You get more awareness of who you are in relation to the world, and then that just makes you care more. And then, of course, yeah. Reducing plastic, avoiding fast fashion. Those are the classics, and they're great. They're classics for a reason. Plastic consumption, of course. Yeah. But, yeah. I really love listening to this
Neena Maiya
@neenamaiya · 0:31


Hi ro. I'm so pleased you got what I meant. And you've added to it by saying who we are in relation to the world. Because when we live unconsciously, not knowing who we are, who how we feel about ourselves, we treat our environment the same way we treat ourselves, with little thought. So thank you so much for replying