Nate Potts
@NateP1500 · 4:59

A lesson in humbleness

But, you know, as the moment continues on or as the day goes on, sometimes no, weeks, you begin to see, okay, now I understand what was happening. And even better than that is, you understand why it was happening. Like, what really was the cause of this? And what is life trying to show me? What is it trying to reveal?
Nate Potts
@NateP1500 · 3:57
I'm more open to receiving the actual lesson in this, in its true form. You know, saying these lessons really only come in ways where it comes from me learning from a mistake, you know, that's just basically not trying to put so much pressure on myself to always do the right thing, to always do, to always have the right answers to everything. And it's like, no, I don't