Nate Potts
@NateP1500 · 1:53

Lesson 1 Practice | My name is...

You have some type of order or something that you have to live up to because you don't want to be given a name. And then they're sully that night. So I try to live my life, you know, the best way I can and honor my grandfather, who by way I was named after but never had a chance to meet because he passed away before I was born

#PubSpeak101Lesson1 #PubSpeak101 #pubsp101L1p1 @dbpardes #publicspeaking

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:11


Oh, Nate, it's so nice to hear the connection you have. And living into the name itself, honoring the legacy of your grandfather. It's just beautiful. Really moving to hear your voice. Welcome to swelling