And it sucks, too, because you can't really put it all on management because they have their standing orders, too. You know what I mean? That's what sucks. Especially for, like, supervision that we're close with, that we know. It just sucks because they're getting orders barked down to them, and they're getting their jobs threatened just the same way that we are. So it's just a big s*** sandwich, man

#bored #quietquitting

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 4:10

#employee #work #mindset #entrepreneur

If you're not spending three to 4 hours a day after you work your regular job, trying to find a better alternative, then you really don't want to leave the job bad enough, in my opinion. I mean, we accept what it is that we feel we trade our time for. Like we all agree we have this agreement, it's an unspoken agreement that we believe that we are worth a certain amount of dollars per hour
dan g
@nasa · 2:17


I'm not going to be able to really get a job doing much with that because I'm not very good at both, but I don't know. But anyway, let me pass you over here. He had some points to make too. Yeah, man. Really informative reply, man. We're just trying to touch base over here, man. So you mentioned that you had a hobby, man
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:31

#mindset #podcast #conversation

And I think deep down we do know what we want to do. It may just be buried under new perspectives and new voices in our head that are not our own. But I think if we can practice getting quiet enough to hear our own voice and maybe even to hear a younger version of ourselves voice, then I think that we would very quickly remember exactly what it is that we love to do and at least then you know a direction to start walking in