What do YOU collect?

Hey everybody. I'm Louis and I'm new and I wanted to try out this app and I thought, what can I do? Well, I could share my collection like I do on Instagram. And I thought, wait a minute. My collection? Everybody collects something. Come on now, admit it. You probably collect something too. Come on, admit it. I thought okay, all right. I'll just start by saying fess up. This is supposed to be about what?

#firstswell #hobbies #collecting #philately


Yes, it's black, and it has all these little words in it. And I also collect videos and images into little categories on Instagram. Have been doing it forever. And before that, once upon a time, the quotes were on paper in notebooks. And I collect, you could say, ideas, whether they're written on little pieces of paper or written in little books
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 4:24


My voice, as you can tell from here and speaking, is no great prize. So I cannot claim to be a singer. But I feel incredibly drawn to collecting these musical instruments, and I believe there's a reason for it. I believe that in a former life, I was a fantastic musician, probably world renowned, most likely. I made a handsome living at playing a musical instrument. But I was very pompous. I was very what's the right word? I was arrogant
Louis Collector
@mypaperstuff · 1:06


How it goes with toys and everything else still in the wrapper is even more valuable. So, yeah, you collect nail polish, but well, we'll give you a pass if at least you have them displayed, because that's the other thing about collecting, has to be categorized and displayed. But I love it. That's pretty cool
Louis Collector
@mypaperstuff · 1:17


Hey. Hey. Thanks for sharing. That your whole story there, being called a hoarder, that's just an occupational hazard. If you're a collector, somebody who doesn't get it, they're going to call you a hoarder. And your bigger problem is you collect big things in instruments, so they're kind of obvious, whereas I collect paper objects that can be tucked away nicely in an album, so nobody really notices the degree of hoarding going on


Anyway, I will attach a photo here of my nails this morning. But please forgive my very winter dry hands. Spring is still not quite here yet. I'm intrigued to hear about your paper stuff
Louis Collector
@mypaperstuff · 0:33


It's. OOH. So sparkly. Nice. I love it. And, yes, I think you can join the collector's club. I found a way out for you. Because the beauty part of your collection is you display it when you wear it, right? I mean, that's when you get to display your collection. And every day, you can display something different. Take it with you. So you got it covered, girl. Well done
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


I love me a loophole. Thank you. I love it