International Womens Day - paving the way

And it's important that we celebrate women everywhere and we lift each other up every chance we get. I hope that today and every day, you can celebrate the women in your life or the woman that you are, or the women that you will raise. Thank you so much. I hope you find some thought, and I hope this brings you some grace for yourself and some learning and raise your awareness about how you can celebrate this wonderful, beautiful day. Thank you #internationalwomensday #pavingtheway #incusion #respect #kindness #women #family #actionspeaklouderthanwords #equity #selflove #girls

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:08


Marcel, thanks so much for finding time to really drop into this day the meaning of this day and to share your personal connection. I've shared a post with my three sisters and my 90 year old mom. We just celebrated her 90th. And my sisters have lots of kids. I don't, but they have many. And I'm an aunt 15 times and a great aunt twelve times, going on almost 13 times
Marcelle Waldman
@Myfeellinks · 3:34

@DBPardes #grateful

Is a big job, and the struggles can be real for us as parents or aunts like yourself, being a part of the growing up and the forming of these humans to take on what life is ahead and hopefully instilling all of these great pieces to create a kinder, more inclusive, equitable world for all of us. So, again, just thank you so much
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:15


Hey, Marcel. I just wanted to thank you for your gratitude, and I really do hope you find lots of connection here. And just thank you for sharing the story about your personal life and your mom and her struggle. And things are so generational, and for you to step in with a product and a whole philosophy that can stop the passing down of this trauma is such a gift of me. Millions of people