Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:29

Deeper Peace Part 1

When I ask them, these are the statements I got a couple of people said they smoke or drink. Some people said they read a good book. Some say they go out of town another citizepa day. I asked during this peaceful moment what are you looking for the most beyond peace? Some would say they just want to relax. And a couple of people will say silence. When we walk in Christ, we're generally his

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#MutedOwl, #deeperpeace, #peace, #JesusChrist,

We remember the promises that God has given us for those who know His Son, for those who love Him. We remember, and we just grab ahold of what is true, and then we stand firm on that truth. Amen. And so what happens is that things will go on, and we might have feelings about it, but we don't let the feelings lead us anywhere. Drinking or drugging or using any kind of external thing to get over something or to find some peace. It never works
Debora Grandison


You. Good morning. I enjoyed your message on Deeper peace. And when we think about peace, it is so important, as you said, to seek him. Because God is where we will find our peace. He will give us a peace that surpasses all understanding. When we the midst of struggles, storms, trials, temptations we to cast our eyes and our cares upon him. And we will have that deeper peace that only God can give us. Thank you again. Have a beautiful day
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 0:46


I. Good morning, Miss Digital. Pins. I totally agree that when we try to do things that are outside of God, that are earthly, it won't bring us peace, but when we seek the things of above, we will find peace. And I just thank you for responding. You're such an anointed woman of God, and I totally enjoy hearing you respond to the devotionals and add what you do
Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 0:44


Good morning, ma'am. Thank you so much for your your words, for the devotional. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I give honor to God, and I thank you for your wisdom and your words. Yes, peace is only found in God. In my life, before I met God, I try to find peace in other things, and it didn't work. And I had to come back to God. And that's the thing I love about God. He's a forgiving God