Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:37

Looking At Victory Part 1

For his written he will command his angels concerning you, and on their hand they will bear you up least you strike your foot against a stone. As you see in these two verses. Satan had to come to Jesus about his safety and he said again, if you're the Son of God, throw yourself off this temple and command your angels to save you. Often Satan is going to come at us in so many ways

#victory #looking #God #Jesus #Lord #christian #devotional #word #bible #binlestudy

Stacey Kedeja
@iamkedeja · 0:21
Thank you for reading that. And I'm going to come back and tune in for part two because I need this. God is so important to my life, and to have those reminders all around is so important. So thank you again for reading and this and sharing your thoughts. Bye
Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 0:27


Good morning. Thank you for replying. I really appreciate it. I'm glad you enjoyed the devotions like the God, the glory and honor. And you're right. Having God in our life and having biblical understanding and devotions and Bible studies, it's very important to have so we can understand the word of God. I pray you continue to come back and enjoy the rest of the devotionals, and I pray you have a blessed day. Thank you again for stopping by. Bye