Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:17

Dont Fire God Part 1

We have to have faith that whatever we are going through, that God is in a myth and we can't fire God because he doesn't go along with our ways. When we decide to turn our back on God or to quit because we feel he doesn't care. In actuality reason why the plan didn't work out is that he cares about us. If he didn't, he wouldn't block and stop everything that isn't of Him

#fire #quit #end #God #Jesus #ignore #life #struggle

Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 0:36


And a lot of people aren't accepting of that and and I just praise God for you coming on and giving your response and your feedback, and I pray that God continue to bless you and use you, and I thank you so much and I hope you have a blessed day. Thank you