Mother Is Arrested After Letting 4 year daughter perform body waxing services on adults

It's good to see that even in the Internet world, even in a world where we see a lot of things being exposed, that when it comes to children, most people still have morals and values and seek to protect the innocence of children. And I'm very happy about that. I'm happy to see people wanting to protect the innocence of children. And so while this mother may have thought it was shareworthy and brag worthy, the rest of society is saying, no, ma'am

#family #children #mother

Guadalupe Ospina
@GOD1forever · 1:36
It. That is terrible. And I don't care what. I mean, she could have told her daughter other things. She didn't have to have her daughter exposed to adult private parts and thinking that is okay and then being okay with sharing it
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 0:58

@GOD1forever Why are the clients allowing a 4 year old to see their private parts?

And why would a client be okay with that? I don't care how reassuring the mother is. No, I do not want your child looking at my private areas. I don't care how skilled she is. I don't care how good she is. If you're that busy, I'll come back another time or I'll go somewhere else where adults are doing the work. But I am not allowing a four year old child to see me disrobed from the waist down. No way
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Guadalupe Ospina
@GOD1forever · 1:41


Because if the adults are okay with that, that a toddler is performing those services, then I feel like something else is going on and it's really is ugly
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:00


So you need to figure out something else because that's exactly what I would have said to her. I'm not comfortable with that. I don't want you to do that. Here's the thing. It's one thing to allow your children to watch you do certain things or whatever, but that right there, that is way beyond the scope of whatever it is that she thought she was doing
Jacquelyn Jeffries
@Nomad4EVER · 1:53
You now, I haven't listened to the other responses because I just was, I was so horrified and just so, just blown away that I just, I had to just, wow. I am absolutely just devastated for that poor child. I mean, what a way to start off your life. I mean, hopefully being only four years old, maybe she'll get to an age where all those memories will be gone from her brain
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:01


We'll go somewhere else. If this is how you run things, then we'll go somewhere else. Because it's really not that serious to subject a child to that. Something like that. So thank you so much for this
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:45
Okay, decency aside, because the decency is out the window, you have to be trained. I mean, licensed, really. And there's certain sanitary. I mean, what's stopping a four year old from reusing a wax stick or not washing her hands in between things? Because she's four, she's not supposed to be touching people. And then who are the people that will let a four year old perform the service on them?
Jacquelyn Jeffries
@Nomad4EVER · 1:05


It. Every time I keep hearing about this story, it just. It just infuriates me even more. I mean, I just don't know what in the world was going through her head. I mean, just. Just. It just. It just. Every time I think about it or every time someone says something about this stupid story, it just. It infuriates me. It just makes me want to choke that woman. I
Jacquelyn Jeffries
@Nomad4EVER · 1:35


You. I agree with you 100%. Nothing about this makes any sense to me. Nothing whatsoever. You know, I was really upset at the fact that the mother would even want her daughter doing this. That's the one horror. But then on top of that, you have clients who are okay with this. That's ridiculous
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:59


Hey, sis. Thank you so much for your response. I agree with you. Sanitary. What does a fouryearold know about proper sanitation of products, proper washing of hands, proper. Even the area that you're waxing you have to clean. Any time you get your eyebrows or your chin wax, they take alcohol pads and they clean the area thoroughly before they start waxing. Does a four year old know to do that?
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:47


I mean, I'm not trying to, like I said to Angela, I'm not trying to discount her intellect at four and try to say, well, she's really just that ignorant and naive. She may be a very smart four year old, but still, she's four legally. You can't even let her do this. It's not even legal. She can't legally wax anybody at four years old. You have to be licensed to wax people
LaShekia Chatman
@Sheika_MC · 2:06
And you and your sisters, whatever. And so she could make the argument that it's cultural. I don't know. I didn't see the article. I don't know where this lady is from. I don't know her rationale, but, yeah, not cool. Not cool. And I'm wondering how she's going to. And that
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:56


Women have lost their feminine touch, but many women around the world still have that because they have that connection to other women, and they learn, and they do sometimes learn in intimate settings and things that we just don't. I'll say me, I haven't been taught. So I just wanted to chime in on your reply to say that to
LaShekia Chatman
@Sheika_MC · 0:43


You. I think it's so cool, auntie, that you said that because you are spot on. A lot of our grooming, with the exception of the hairdresser, the way we perform it is shrouded in entice shame. So I'm a medical anthropologist, so this is what I study. And to hear you talk about it in that way, it's so spot on. So spot on. You are absolutely right. And I don't know if I said it in my first post
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:35


But as I was saying with the original post, I believe that it comes down to the legality of it. Her four year old daughter cannot work for profit, and waxing is something that would definitely be dangerous for a young child to handle. So thank you so, so much, though I appreciate your input
LaShekia Chatman
@Sheika_MC · 0:16


Yep, agreed. And amen, Miss Gold. And, you know, I'll just say it. I think it's gross. Sorry. I cannot. Like, it's no. Just no