Bow Wow says he regrets being a child star

Sometimes they just want to do normal things. In fact, one of the first swells that I made when I came onto this platform was about Cardi B and how she mentioned having everything can get boring at times. We look at stardom from a distance and we see what is presented to us in the media, but we don't know how these people really feel about their stardom behind the scenes. Not unless they decide to open up and be transparent. We really don't know how they feel

#music #culture #youth #life #stardom

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:30
Being a child star, you have to grow fast. A bow bow wow. Child star have read and they talked about how difficult it is to maintain your innocence. But yet still you've grown up in the industry that are for adults. And so they're asking a child to do adult things. That being said, maybe he should look at his latter career, the choices that he made, the people he associated with. Like this last reality show thing that he was on
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:59
I'm not in that lifestyle, but I agree with him because I know what I've heard others say, and I believe him. I will say this. A friend of mine, they have a couple of kids. That one, she did a lot of beauty pageants, but another one, she actually has been in some Nickelodeon shows. She's had that kind of career, and it was hard. The dad he had to have, he couldn't hold down a steady nine to five
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:59


And I love it. Now. I've done a lot of things to make my house a place that I love to dwell, a sanctuary for me, a sanctuary for the presence of God. And that is so important to me. And like you said, we're going to spend more time at home than we are going on cruises, going on vacations, going to the beach. We're going to be spending more time at home
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:47


These parents still got to work. And so they're dropping their children off. They're dropping their children off in the hands of people they think they can trust or they're supposed to trust. And these people are essentially raping and abusing their children. And so when they get older, because they never really dealt with it growing up, and they kept it inside, they never shared it with anyone, they become very destructive in their adult years. In their adult years, they become very destructive
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:25


And then, too, like Angela said, these kids are exposed to a lot of stuff, a lot of wickedness, a lot of perversion in these industries and things that no child should see, things that no child should be a part of