If You Could Live in A Movie/TV world, what movie/tv show would you choose? #askswell

So I never really knew who was in my classes. And then, too, when you're taking online classes, you have a plethora of generations, a plethora of lifestyles. You have moms, dads, you have college age students, you have older people in their 60s taking classes. So it's like a wide range of people, which is great, but you don't get to build those personal relationships that come from being in the same age group, being in the same place in life

#askswell #podcasting #swellcommunity

Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 0:30
It's. Hey, Tanya. I was actually responding to someone else as well when I saw the notification of this pop up, and I immediately knew what movie that I would love to be in and the character that I would love to play. And it is Denzel Washington in the movie man on fire
Anya Sood
@anya08 · 0:34
Hi, Tanya. To answer your question, I think I would like to live in one of the many spacecraft movies where all of the characters survive because I have always wanted to go to space and experience this feeling, except it's always a brutal death at a young age. And one of my other wishes is to break the Guinness World Record for the longest to live
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:57

Its why I went to WSSU

I just never saw any cheerleaders that looked like me. And the few that were black on these cheerleading teams were very light, complexed to the point that you had to squint or either mixed race to the point that you had to squint to be like, I think she might be black. I'm not quite sure. There's a possibility so because of that, I never was a cheerleader. Because I was like, I don't think that's the thing that dark skinned girls do
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:55

Cosby Show!!!

Did nothing. No TV, no phone time, no skating rink, no movies, nothing. I couldn't get myself together. And so I remember watching The Cosby Show thinking, I would love the ability to have a conversation with my parents. They can still make whatever decision they believe is best for me as the child or teenager, but I would love the ability to have a conversation
Annalyzed Perspectives
@AnnaT · 1:14

A Different Take

You. Thank you for this topic. It's very fun. This is Anna with talk with Anna. So I will say A Different World is what's inspired me as well to go to an HBCU, just like other commenters have said. So I do want to acknowledge that and ditto that I went to the Florida A and M University and every time I see old episodes of A Different World and Martin when they had on HB, see you paraphernalia, I get excited
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:13


Hey, I love this. This sounds very interesting. My dad is a huge Star Trek fun. I haven't really been into spacecraft movies, but I've always loved to study the planets and the solar system. I was always fascinated by galaxies and all those different things, all the different planets with the moons, and I was always fascinated with that. But, yeah, it would be nice to be a part of a movie where there is a happy ending
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:55


So I liked her character. I think she added a lot of depth to the show so that it wasn't a show just about a bunch of 1720 year old kids, but that there were some people on the show that had a nontraditional lifestyle. So, yeah, I would have moved off campus, too. I don't think I could have hung in there with 17 and 18 year olds. At 24 years old, I don't think I could have hung in with them
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:10


It's still a big deal today, but even a bigger deal that back then, because back in the that's when college was huge as far as black people's interest in going to college and getting degrees was huge back then. And so, because education is now more decentralized, you have YouTube coursera and all these other ways to obtain more knowledge. But back then, you had to go to college. If you wanted a business degree, you had to go to college. There was no YouTube
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:15


And it was nice to see on The Cosby Show that even if they were in trouble, their parents still wanted to know, why did you do this? What were you thinking when you did this? It was good to see parents that wanted to understand their children's emotions and behavior and driving forces behind their actions and behaviors and stuff. So it was really good to see that
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:33


And looks like it came out oh, in 91. Oh, well, Dang, I was in middle school, so yeah, I was in middle school when that came out. Okay. I don't know why I never watched it, but I will see if I can watch some episodes on YouTube just to get the gist of what it is and everything, because apparently it was out during the time when I was young enough to enjoy it, so I don't know why I didn't
Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 3:23
You could tell they took care of the perception of those kids during that first season, and that would be a world that I would greatly love to be a part of. It felt very authentic and very light hearted while still being very serious at the same time