Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 5:00

Fans Keep Throwing Objects At Performers

Hey, swellcast family. I hope your day is continuing to go well. So it's never been an unusual thing to see fans throw objects on stage at their favorite performer. I came from the era of the where people would throw things like flowers and underwear, things like that, on stage. I know go at rock concerts and concerts where it was more volatile that people would throw unusual things on stage at performers. But this past summer, we're seeing an increase in fans throwing things on stage

What happened to concert etiquette? #music #concerts #performance #fans

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:51
Like, that's crazy to me, people just doing all kinds of crazy stuff nowadays, and I don't even understand the thinking. Like, I can't figure out why they do it because I don't understand the rationale and the thinking behind it, like, the thought process that goes into even thinking of doing stuff like that. People used to show respect to entertainers, actors, actresses, basketball players, football players
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:47
They want to be known for something. They don't care. People don't care. That's just like people go. And a lot of us grew up saying what our parents told us to take bath daily. Some people now waiting two, three days, more like three days to five days to take a bath where they come from. We were taught to be clean when we're younger
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:12


And I think I hate to be that one that keeps bringing everything back to social media, but I think with social media, because now we get an up close look at these celebrities lives in a way we never have before, I think people start to believe, oh, okay, well, you're just like me
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:00


You. Hey, SIS, I agree with you on the respect thing. I was just telling Andrea, you know, back in the, we didn't have access to celebrities like we do now via social media. Back then, you knew very little about celebrities lives unless it was something that was revealed by the paparazzi or something that the celebrity themselves revealed by way of the media, or or they wrote a book or something like that, or there was some type of documentary about their lives
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:32


And we saw them on, like, oprah, and it was like a huge deal because now we're going to learn things about this celebrity that we didn't know because all we have are magazine interviews and movies and all that. That's all we got. But now you can go on Instagram and see what they did for Christmas. You can see what they ate yesterday at whatever fancy restaurant they went to. You can see the inside of their home
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:44
It may have been a water bottle, but he took it in stride because him being the celebrity, he's the one who has the platform, the economy, the money. So when your fans go low, you go higher. I was very surprised that he didn't throw a mic or throw a tantrum or anything. He just wiped the water off and was like, okay, whatever. And he just moved right on