Are Americans Losing Their Taste for Starbucks?

And with Star, with IG and all these other platforms, you can now learn how to make a lot of these Starbucks drinks at home. You can buy the ingredients, you can make them at home. You can buy their Starbucks beverages in the grocery store. You don't have to go to a Starbucks location to get some of their beverages. And so with that in mind, a lot of people are just saying, you know what?

#coffee #starbucks #retail #economy

Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 3:38
Like, there's a nice little popular coffee spot called Scooter, and they're popping up all over the place. And since I'm an indecisive person, I like a short, simple menu. And I find myself going to scooters more often. Not necessarily for the price, but because it's less confusing for me and it's quicker for me to make a decision
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:58
And even though. Even since I started doing Uber Eats is still like, oh, my gosh. When I get a Starbucks order, I'm like, do I want to take it or not take it? Because it's crazy. So as a person who's middle of the road with Starbucks, I drink it, but it's not my first go to. I can see people losing their taste for it for various reasons
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 0:06


You can send me your Starbucks card if you're not going to use it. Okay. Bye
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:15


If I had a lot of money, I would send it to you, but I think I got, like, $18 on this card starting at $25, so that shows you how little I use it. But, yeah, once I order two teas, that'll eat up at $18 for sure
Marc Sander
@MarcS1971 · 3:18
They're always going to be okay. There's always going to be people going out, you know, just need an excuse to go out. And there's a little bit of that swag to Starbucks, too, right? Hey, I got a lot, a lot of young people, you know, they want to boast that they want to brag on that Starbucks Cup. I got, you know, I can afford Starbucks. I got that Starbucks cup
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:50
You can go to Starbucks and you can get your drink made certain kind of ways to, you know, buy different things. But, I mean, you can easily, if you like, just a regular Starbucks coffee, you can go to Kroger and get that little, you know, three, four dollar drink that, you know, the one that's in the box or whatever in the. In the milk section
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 2:46
You can see them kind of standardized things across the board to save money and kind of encourage people not to stay as long. What I mean is, used to go on different Starbucks, and they might have different types of furnishings, like, and a lot of times they were softer material. You can kind of feel comfortable and feel comfortable spending the day in. Now, if you go into Starbucks, it's very standardized, like hard seats that take up less space and smaller and standard tables