Retailers are Replacing People With Machines

Hello. Swell. Cast family. I hope you all are having a wonderful Saturday. I wanted to come on here really quickly and talk about retailers that are replacing people with machines. Now, this is something we have seen taking place in probably almost the last 20 years or so. I remember working in Kroger in the mid two thousand s, and that's when they first introduced self checkouts

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The only people you saw then were fellow shoppers. I don't I don't know. This is I have to think on this. This is unsettling somehow. But I can't put my finger on why, and it's really driving me nuts
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:58


On the other hand, I see why stores are moving in that direction, because with a machine, you don't have to worry about is it going to come in to work today? Is it going to call out sick, is it going to underperform? Is it going to require special accommodations needed to perform the job? Is it going to require a certain amount of pay? Are we going to have to give it benefits? Are we going to have to give holiday pay, overtime?


My autistic brain is having a little moment here. When you said you didn't care to shop in a place like that, did you mean that you didn't wouldn't mind shopping there or you didn't want to shop in a place like that? Yeah, sorry, a little confused. Also, I had not even thought about it. But you're absolutely right
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:10


I mean, this is 11:00 on a Saturday morning, and you have no store manager on duty anywhere. No. The cashiers and everybody else are just governing themselves. So I agree with you on the customer service declining tremendously. Absolutely
Arthur Benitez
@Arthur_Dante · 3:44
So here, even in Walmart there are usually cashiers. So the automatic lines have been designed and adapted so that you can scan your products and check your ticket and create like a pre ticket if you may say so. And you get the paper with the total amount of money that you have to pay and the total amount of items that you are carrying in your cart and then you go and you pay for it. But when you pay it, it is with a regular cashier