#AskSwell: A Man with A Dream vs. A Man with a Vision? Which is better?

Hey, swell family. I hope you're continuing to have a great Tuesday. So which is better? Is it better for a man to have dreams, or is it better for a man to have a vision? The reason why I asked this is because I heard a story of a woman who was in a relationship, and she was talking about how the man that she was with had all these dreams. He was dreaming of a life for them together

#relationship #men #women #love #growth #vision #dream

Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 3:30
All of y'all. I don't know what you women want. You might say you want one thing and then you get it. And then you don't hold on to it. You say one thing and then do another. Careful what you wish for. But women say they want a guy. I don't even know if women want men that dream or men with a vision. I don't know
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:26
He's going to make that come true because he has a game plan. Now, what do I prefer? It don't matter. It really don't. Because I'm the kind of woman who's going to help my man make that dream a vision regardless, especially if we're together and we both have the idea. That's what you do as a couple. You're going to work together so that you can make those things come true
d f
@MrDee · 3:02
For instance, myself, being a songwriter, I will have a dream sometimes, and I will wake up, go into my studio, write and record, and that's just off of a dream sometimes. It's a lot of different things playing back from interactions during the day or television show, whatever. But something causes me to wake up and then put that dream into action
Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 3:12
And he turned and he walked out of the room. And my father was just that type of man where he'd give you a jewel, he'd drop it, and then he'd leave it. He didn't walk away. That was it. Even you got it. If you didn't get it, you have to find him later on and say with that, what did you mean by that? But he would leave it there for you to let you think and figure it out
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:33
If the men that you are associated with are believers in God, and then, of course, just being a great example for not just the society, but just their families in general. So again, in my pain, it's great if a man has a dream and a vision, just keeping in mind that when you have a dream, you're asleep, and if you have a vision, you're awake