Random tries to expose abuser from another woman’s Tiktok story

If the first lady had spoken up, then maybe none of this would have ever happened. And so her rationale is, we have to stop cycles of abuse by exposing those who carry out the abuse. Now, while I understand her intent and she's basing it off of her own life, a lot of people have gone through childhood abuse. They tend to hide the identity of the abusers

#socialmedia #tiktok #marriage #exposure

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:43
Hi, Tanya. Oh, see, this is something that I talk about often here on swell. It's about minding our business. And I've talked about this before about. I did one recently, maybe last week, about. Because we have access to information, we feel as though we're entitled to that information. This is a perfect example. Now, I know some people's idea was, well, if the lady didn't want to expose, she shouldn't have went on TikTok
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00


Hi, Tanya. So I look at this differently. I look at this differently, and she got what she was looking for. This woman got what she was looking for. Because anytime you put something on the Internet, especially TikTok, you open yourself and you open your situation up to other people to get involved. You do
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 0:59
So that she can know when she's not being loved correctly. When she starts to heal and she realizes that she deserves better then she won't allow these men to treat her like that and then she won't have to deal with this anymore. But as long as she doesn't have high self esteem and high self worth and she's not trying to heal herself and figure out why she continues to allow men to treat her like this then she's going to always end up in this situation
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:24


We said that. We say that often up know. Oh, she said she got a son. Let me see what school her kid goes to. That is a violation. I'm just living in this world like we all are. And because we interact with people does not give them a right. We're not giving them a green light to go all in our business, all in our stories
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:59


If they want to find out stuff that you didn't want to put out there, they're going to do it. And when you post something on the Internet, you open yourself up to that. Is it right? Maybe not. Should they do it? Maybe not. But you open yourself up to that. It's just like when people say they're being trolled on the Internet, well, guess what? You opened yourself up to that
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:54


I didn't wrote about that in my book. I've told you people will tell you what they did, but they girl, two phone calls and one reply. But folks will tell you what they did, but they won't tell you how they did it. In fact, I'll probably do a spell about that soon because even if I start talking now and talk for 20 hours, I'm going to leave out certain details. It's just everything is not
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 4:35

@DearAuntyAng @Andrea_Speaks

I heard the conversation between all of you and with Auntie Ange and this Ms. Andrea, I think if you put it out there and people want to run with it, that's because you put it out there. Now, no, maybe she shouldn't have got in her business and tried to find the guy. But if you put a sob story out there, and I mean a real, true sob story, one that's near and dear to your heart, it is your story
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:22


I want to help you bring this man to justice so he doesn't abuse anyone else. That would have been the more appropriate way to go about it. Instead of, well, I'm just going to take all these video clips, study them, and then I'm going to go on an Internet search for this dude, and I'm just going to expose him. This is the dude she's talking about. That was not the appropriate way to do it
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:31


I don't think that she should be quiet just because folk feel like they're entitled to take her story and do what they want to do with it. I think that people need to exercise a higher moral compass in that. Okay, just because I see this and I need to pray for her or maybe reach out to her privately and talk to her about it, but to hunt down the abuser, no, she crossed a major line there. So thank you so much
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:24


Do you mind me finding this dude and warning other women about him so that he does not continue this cycle of abuse with women that would have been to me, the adult and mature and compassionate thing to do, instead of, I'm just going to steal all this information and I'm going to find him myself and I'm going to make a video exposing him. That was not the right way
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:59


And again, when we send something to people or when we put things on social media, we open ourselves up to all kinds of things, and we just have to be cognizant of that. I'm not saying it's right. I'm not saying it's wrong. We just have to understand that it is something thing that could happen. Somebody could take something that you put out there and do things with it that you don't want them to do with it
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:08
I hope no one gets hurt behind this. I hope not. Yet, at the same time, this is what happens when we invite people into our lives for people across the globe to see. TikTok is a public platform. Instagram, YouTube, it's public. Everyone is looking. And you're posting it because you want everyone to know. I mentioned Emily Dickinson a lot. The poet. I mentioned her a lot. She lived her life very private
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:06


So, yeah, I think that nowadays, and Andrea touched on this, people don't recognize or realize the power of the Internet and how you can drop something on the Internet and even though you've deleted it, you don't know how many people have screenshot that, how many folks they've sent it to. You just don't know where it's going to end up on the Internet
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:21


And as you can see, this made probably a lot of the male students blush and talk about it. And word on the Internet streets is that they were distracted. And so her posting this stuff is now causing her to once again be under fire. I don't even think she calls herself Rachel Dalazal no more. She's going by a nigerian name now. I don't know
Stacey Kedeja
@iamkedeja · 4:24
But to take it upon yourself, to put yourself in somebody else's business and expose it and expose the perpetrator who and I call him perpetuate the predator is kind of just like, sometimes we need to let that person who it was done to handle it? I don't know
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:50


TikTok has a lot of. It gives you a lot of access to products and services that you may not see on other social media platforms. And of course, it's good for spiritual growth. If you follow the right people, you can get news that's not on the mainstream media. I mean, it has its place. It's not all bad
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:46


Hey, Erica. Yes. I heard the story about Rachel Dolezal having an only fans. You know Rachel Dolezal? The last time I knew anything about what was going on in her life, Netflix did a documentary on her life. It may still be on there, but at that time, she was living on welfare. She was braiding hair to make money, and she can braid. The girl can do some hair. Okay
d f
@MrDee · 4:36
I'm not associated with my email address because I know people have ill intent for anything that they disagree with or anything that they feel offended by. So I totally get it, like, but I try to keep myself out of that
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:13


And they're accounting for every child that they've given birth to or every child they've adopted or what have you. This woman is going to actually try to act like, oh, you didn't ask me how many children I gave birth to. You asked me how many children I have. And since I only had two in the home, that's why I said two. Come on now. That whole episode was making me mad. I wanted to just choke that woman through the screen