What is a "toxic relationship" for you?

Are there certain things that are considered toxic depending on the individual? Do we sometimes overuse the word toxic? Do we throw it around too much? Do we call everything toxic when it really isn't? It may not be healthy. Some things may not be healthy. Some relationships may not be healthy. But they're not necessarily toxic. They're not harmful to a person. They're just not ideal for certain people. So what say you? Are you in a relationship that you feel is toxic?

#love #relationships #toxic #marriage #dating #life #single

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:50
It's just you're not interested anymore, or it's not working for you. So I definitely think toxic is overused when I think about anything that's toxic, and this could be, like I said, environmental food or even family relationships, there's always signs and symptoms on the outside. So I know from my niece having severe food allergies. We're looking at her eyes, we're looking at her skin, because eczema flares up when she has certain allergies or even hives. Right