Super Bowl 2024: A Tale of Two National Anthems

Hey, swell family, I hope you're having a wonderful Monday. So, last night, many of us were tuned in to the Super bowl. Whether you were watching for the halftime show or whether you were watching for the game itself, we were tuned in. And of course, at the beginning of every sporting event, including the Super bowl, there are some ceremonial activities that take place, such as the singing of the national anthem. Them

#sports #nfl #america #nationalanthem #music

Simon De La Rosa III
@TheSimonShow · 4:56
And I think the african american community is so diligent in understanding their past that it brings to light a lot of things that were maybe tucked under the rug, swept under the rug, so to speak. And so it should be known. I mean, I didn't know things about my own culture when it came to the racism that was running rampant in my own backyard, so to speak, my ancestral backyard. I should know
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 5:00


And those people I think now are like it's not just the religious zealots, it's the wealthy, the elite. The people that run this world, not just this country. This world are actively just trying to separate us because we are a problem for everyone else. And now we're going to have to bear the consequences of that if we don't wake up to separation for
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:59

@TheSimonShow @MsColes77

This hunk of garbage, this human cesspool of garbage with face tattoos, one of which looks like the mark of the beast. I don't know what's wrong with this guy, but him and I have to talk because I think he's led my children, my young, impressionable children, into a weird kind of pagan thing. So, yeah, I have a thing with post Malone that I'm planning to do a full thing on. But I digress
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:55
Hey, tanya, thanks for this. You know, people gonna have a problem with everything. Always two national anthems. So what? This country was founded on ethnicity. It was founded on two different things, the pilgrims and slaves. So what? We are singing about being an american. We're singing about freedom, about democracy. People find a reason. People find a reason all of the time to have something negative to say
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:38


Let's just do it, and let's just move along and start fixing the thing that's quite obviously to everyone. Broken. That's been broken forever. Do I need to play Martin Luther King for you guys? Do I need to play Malcolm X for you guys? Those are two people that are dead now. And they would both say, this is not the road that we need to go down
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:26


The national anthem, no one cares. We sing it at sporting events. We used to sing it in school. We don't even do that anymore. But this is a debate that doesn't need to be a debate. This is a diversion from the real problem. The real problem is racism. The real problem is inclusion, non inclusion of individuals everywhere in America. Social classes, the rich, getting over on everything, everybody, crime. I can't. Evelyn list everything
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:37


I actually got to see still the living conditions that are left over from apartheid, because in South Africa, the white people there, the colonizers, live in constant fear that there will be a race war, an uprising. There's a documentary on it on Netflix. A gentleman, I think it's some Netflix series, where he goes to these wild places, and he actually interviews these preppers that are preparing for this race war for, like, the last since the end of apartheid
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:41


And this is just my perspective. Again, as a white man, this is something that I face. It's like saying, I'm not saying anything to you. I'm just saying that two national anthems are a bad idea. I'm interpreting the work of the people that have come before me and not worrying about skin color or even religious doctrine. Because Martin Luther king, of course, you know, was a christian man
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:59


Don't be surprised if the attack that happened in Israel where innocents were killed by drug addled Hamas militants. Don't be surprised if that happens sometime soon in our country because that's what they're preparing for and that's what they're doing. That's the current intel. So again, I don't want to debate the black national anthem with you because I want you to remember we're working against an entity in the world, and that's the devil
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:54


Of course you did. Did you have it as hard as your parents? Of course you did not. Quit pretending that you did. Everyone needs to stop pretending that we're living some kind of terrible, awful existence when our parents and grandparents really paid the fucking price and I wasn't there to make your grandparents do anything. Maybe my great great grandparents, I don't know
phil spade
@Phil · 3:08
This has really become a line in the sand type issue for so many people. And I definitely saw that all over social media last night and into today. Now you asked the question, should we be looking at a new anthems, the one that we could write anew? And I wanted to take a step back, take a look at the lyrics, think about the song and answer that. And the one lyric that kind of stands out to me
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 5:00


This is you on tape doing what you said that you didn't do. Just the fact that we have to do that and our word is not good enough is racism. Whereas a white woman or a white man can say that we did something, and the police will assume, most of them, that we did it without any proof necessary. So you don't live my life. You haven't lived my life
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:37


This country needs so much more. So much more. And the fact that we're still trying gives me hope. So, Rooster, have a really good day. Try to calm down and realize that I'm not against you. I'm actually with you. The devil's not pulling me anywhere because I have discernment and the Holy Spirit to be able to guide me and to tell me. And you have a right to your opinion just as much as I have a right to mine
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:15


You're right. I don't understand you or human beings at all. I feel rejected
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:07


I hope that you'll allow me a place in your world of harmonious segregation
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:13


And I don't have the money anymore to send him to college because I'm unemployed now because this is the nation of two national anthems. So again, maybe you don't understand what it's like to be a human being and
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:29


And no, I don't think that you understand what it's like to be black. And because you did a good deed. You want a cookie? You want a cookie because you gave to someone in Africa. How about right here in America, Rooster? And I'm sure that you give as much as you possibly can. And we're grateful, just like I give as much as I possibly can. And it's not just to my own type of people that I give
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:40
I tell everybody this. Sometimes we live in shelter society, and when we don't know, we can't know if we don't listen. And when we are of that culture, the culture that people don't know about or it doesn't matter if you're black, white, brown, blue, green, whatever. People don't know about green people, right? Have you seen a green person? No, you haven't
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:22
But as far as introducing lift every voice and sing to the, to the NFL, I don't know exactly what my thoughts are on it just yet because I want to flesh this out in an article and hopefully post it to your swell. Tanya, when I'm done reflecting on this, I haven't thought deeper about this yet. I haven't dug into the lyrics and everyone's thoughts about it so far. A few people's responses are similar to what you've mentioned
EL Drake Smith
@Mrunique50 · 3:58
You. Wow. Definitely was a good topic to bring up. I didn't catch it. I knew last week that they were going to be doing both national anthems. I didn't catch it. I had so much going on, so I missed it. I could say this, you bring up some good points. I remember in grade school, which was a long time ago, we used to sing both national anthems in the morning
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00


She is basically coming from the standpoint of the saying that goes until you could walk in a mile in my shoes, you can't tell me, right? And so, although, yes, I believe that you help people, and you showed the screenshot of you helping the young man from Kenya, and that is absolutely wonderful. But being a black person in America is very different
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:56


Before the guy, John was the first one and he was the one that laid it out, said, I am literally not the guy. I can guarantee you, I will point to the guy. Here's the guy, dip him in water. Okay, go do. And then John got, you know, we know what all happened to all the disciples, right? You guys know what happened to the disciples of Christ. You guys know what happened to Peter
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:56

@Andrea_Speaks @TheSimonShow @Phil @LadyFi

I'm an immigrant. You see, we're all immigrants to this country. My family's irish immigrants, and one of them on the way over here, boat capsized and he almost drowned to death. Now, I don't know if this is my relative or not, but we have the same last name, Philadelphia. My bloodline is out of Philadelphia. That's where my name, my real name originates, out of the state of Philadelphia
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:55


In my reply to you, I was very respectful. And in all the interactions that you and I have had, I have never, ever used a curse word when it came to you. And so I would appreciate it if you do not use those in any response that you tag me in. In. I don't cuss on this app. I don't cuss nobody
Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 3:04
Their words are real empty because we know that this country was built on from being stolen from one nation of people. Then another nation of people were oppressed to build it. And then after it was built, now it's just sustained by lies, deception and stealing. So for me to even consider myself as a patriotic individual is definitely not the case. I live here. I'm a citizen born and raised here
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 0:50

@LadyFi @Andrea_Speaks

I don't know if it's the subject matter that's got him triggered, but I did block him because I do not tolerate disrespect of any kind on my posts. And I am all for discourse. I'm all for friendly debates. I'm all for heated debates as long as we stay respectful. And so since he could not do that, I had to block him. So there's that
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 4:14
You want to know what division is? Division is when people like Donald Trump gets into office and his rhetoric appeals to the dark side of white America. You want to know what division is? If that was us that stormed the Capitol, the outcome would have been much different, I can assure you of that. Yes, there were some people that were brought to justice. Hooray. But let that have been us, it wouldn't have got that far
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:40
The Declaration of Independence still did not include black men and women who were not in chains, because to be black meant that you were three fifths human. And so nothing that they declared independence about included black people. It didn't include us. And so that anthem was not written with the entirety of the USA in mind. And so if another song, another song becomes the anthem for black american citizens, then so be it
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:36


Thank you, Tanya. I really appreciate you. I am very, very sorry that this got started. If I said anything to offend anyone, I am deeply sorry. However, I don't know what's going on today. I've had to step back and pray several times today in regards to making a response to this. To this. But anyway, I'm glad you went to the gym. I'm glad you're able to get there today
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:41


And I don't tell anyone that they can't do that because that's the right that they have to do what they want. But no, I'm not going to block anybody. I'm going to pray for you and I hope that you have a better day tomorrow
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:21


I appreciate the apology, but no apology necessary for me. I'm praying for him because clearly he's going through something personal. He's got some personal issues going on. And so I'm praying for him that God will bless him and God will touch his heart and his mind. Because whatever personal he got going on, it must be pretty getting to him because even when he and I had a disagreement, he didn't come after me like he did today with Miss Evelyn
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 5:00
Because Colin Kaepernick gave up a lot, a lot just on strength. And as a result, we had to be heard, which was his point. And from us being heard, they gave us time. And I personally, truly believe that this does so much for us as a people. I don't know if anyone else paid attention or saw that pretty blonde fro the golden blonde fro the twist. I loved it all, the performance. It was us. It's me staring back at me
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 3:55
Because if everyone is afraid to do something different or talk about us something different, we can never have those conversations. Never. And that's where we've been for years on end. And so to be at this pivotal point, I think that's progress and
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:24


Hey, Simon, thank you so much for your response. You know, I believe that the reason why our current national anthem gets so much backlash is because not only does it contain a lyric that refers to slavery or points to slavery, but the song itself was written by Francis P. Key, who was a slave owner at the time and an anti abolitionist, meaning that he did not want to see the end of slavery. He was very pro slavery
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:52


Me personally, I'm not going to go so far to say, I think we need a black national anthem. I remember the song, lift every voice and sing as far back as I can remember, and I never really saw it as an anthem, so to speak. It originally started as a hymn, but I love the words. They are very uplifting, encouraging, and we needed it at the time that it was written, especially because we had legalized segregation
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:28


That's the pledge of allegiance with liberty and justice for all. So if we're going to say that in the pledge of allegiance, one nation under God, indivisible, then I don't know if we should be singing a national anthems written by a slave owner who was very much in favor of division. He wanted slavery to remain legal. He was an anti abolitionist. So I think we just need a different song and one that represents us as a nation
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:08


I just. I don't have a dog in the fight when it comes to this. If they sing both, I didn't even hear her version of it. I think I got in on the middle of Reba McIntyre's national anthem. I think that Andrea day's national anthem was sung probably at a time where it was pre game stuff going on. It wasn't like the national anthems, where they ask you to stand and reverence the singing of the anthem
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:01


Hey, sis, I agree with you. There were a lot of lies that were continued to be passed down through the generations regarding our origin here in America. I was actually having this conversation just this past weekend. Yes, some of us were indigenous people. If all of us did our ancestry, we, some of us will find that we did not descend from slaves. And that's mean. That's perfectly fine
Simon De La Rosa III
@TheSimonShow · 4:59


Hey, Tanya. So your reply prompted me to do a little research about the Star Spangled Banner and why it was chosen to be America's national anthem. So I thought, man, I want to find out. I really, really want to use this talent that I have for research and look into it. So here's some of the things that I found out about why it was chosen
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:48


And he basically tried to steer young black men away from the NFL by trying to compare it to a plantation slave trade type of environment. But then he, as recently as this past season, tried to get back into the NFL. When the jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers went down. Colin threw his name in the hat. He threw his hat in the ring and said, hey. Wrote this big, long letter saying, give me a shot. I still got it