Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:55

Women Seek Men’s Validation

And so I think that as women, we just have to be humble enough to admit that, yes, when it comes to what a man says, it matters. When it comes to how a man responds to us, it matters. When it comes to what a man thinks about us, it matters. It absolutely matters. And that is what drives us to do the things that we do to improve our appearance and to improve ourselves as women. Thank you so much for listening

#men #women #relationships #love #attention

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00


He should want her to think he's sexy. He should want her to think he all that. But when it becomes to the point where and this is where I think I have a problem with it, and maybe I'm biased or whatever, but when we begin to alter our bodies surgically, that's when I think it's gone too far. I'm okay with people putting on lashes, and I don't see anything wrong with that
Arthur Benitez
@Arthur_Dante · 4:58
Hello. Hey there. Well, I would like to say that I mostly agree with you. I think that all of us or the vast majority of people are constantly seeking actively the validation from other people. And I would say that it is not just about women. I think that most of men do this too. I think it's even natural. And I know that natural is like a very difficult concept to define or to give a definition to
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:38


And like you said to Edward, it shaving our legs, armpits, all that stuff. I mean, we want to look our very best for a man. And so we don't care if our girlfriends see us with our legs not shaved. Don't care about that. But we wouldn't dare go on a date that way. I mean, come on. So, yeah, everything you said was spot on. Thank you so much
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:57


It. Hey SIS, you know, I follow a content creator who's married and he and his wife, they have a child. Their child is a teenager now, but he's told her, he said, you know, if, if some, if there's something you need to work on in your, with your body, you know, if, if it can't be done at the gym, then we're just not going to do it
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:34


And yet guys were just like, oh, my gosh, you're so beautiful. You don't need makeup. And I've posted pictures of me after the gym, and I have guys inboxing me saying, this is my favorite picture of you. And I don't wear a lot of makeup, so I don't do extreme makeup stuff. I wear my bright lipsticks, but other than that, it's eyeliner mascara, and that's pretty much the extent of my makeup
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:46


At the same time, the way that we seek validation from a man we are attracted to is going to be way different than the validation we seek from our family members. So although validation is across the board, it's not the same type of validation. We're not hitting the gym and getting our bodies together for our mom and dad. We're doing that because we want to attract the opposite sex
Bernard Harmon
@iambernard · 5:00
Hey, Tanya. Hey. So this subject, women seek men's validation. Yes, I think women do seek men's validation. I think traditionally, yes, women sought validation from their men or from men. You know, you look at Marilyn Monroe, who famous Marilyn Monroe, who took the shot over the pothole, the steam hole or whatever it's called in the dress, and she looked beautiful, and every man in the room turned their head and said, wow. Yes
Bernard Harmon
@iambernard · 0:44
It. You are hilarious. Did anybody ever tell you that you sound just like sang rail jackson? Oh, my brother. You keep it 100. They say you keep it 100. But I just wanted to come in and just tell you. Anybody tell you sound like samuel jackson? I've been waiting on you to say the MF word for longest, but that's all I want to come in. I want to cut it on you, brother. That's all right
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:19


I actually went to a store a couple of weeks ago, and there was a young lady in there, and you could tell she was just like Mother Earth natural. She had locks and all that stuff, and she raised her arms and she was wearing a sleeveless dress, and her armpits were not shaved. So a lot of women are just not shaving armpits anymore, and they're not shaving legs anymore, and they're just not real big on cleanliness
Bernard Harmon
@iambernard · 2:18
Sometimes, especially when it's hot outside, I'm taking at least two showers and I know at least two. But that's just because I believe in hygiene and I don't want to be around nobody. I don't even want to be around myself when I'm smelling and I'm sweaty outside and come in, I feel sweaty after cutting the grass, I got to take a shower. I come in from work, I have to take a shower
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:31


Ah and I'm just discussing so you mentioned that women are not prioritizing cleanliness. So are we telling people now that if they don't shave their legs, they don't shave their private area and they don't shave under their arms and they're not clean? Is that what everyone is saying now? That you have to shave as a woman you have to shave all of those parts in order to be clean? Are we telling men then the same thing, that men need to shave their chest hairs?
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:05


Hairiness is usually associated with masculinity, and I think that's why most women do shave, is because hairiness has always been associated with masculine men. And so, no, I personally don't want to have hairy legs and I don't want to have hairy armpits and things like that. That as far as pubic hair, that's up to the individual. They do Brazilian waxes where they take all that off. But if you want to keep it, then by all means, keep it
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:34


And it was one of those cases of you chew up the meat, you spit out the bone, you take what you can use, and you discard what you can't type situation. So that's how I viewed Kevin. But yes, we do want men's validation. We seek their validation. And I know when you're trying to be a strong feminist woman, you don't want a man to see any weakness in you whatsoever