When is it truly considered "racism"?

Back from this table, and he wanted to know what was going on with these people and why they're not satisfied with the food that they're preparing. I didn't see race involved at all. I believe it was just that he happened to be white, they happened to be black. And I believe that if my friend was white or if the manager was black or whatever the race difference was, I believe that it would have probably gone down the same way

#racism #society #culture #people #race

R. Porchia
@Block24Media · 2:25
It. Listen, I believe sending the food back over and over again would lead to any manager saying, okay, if you're not happy, we're going to eat the charge. If you don't like this one, you can just try somewhere else. I understand that
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:46
Yeah, Tanya, I definitely think that we overuse the term racism, for sure. In your friend's case, for her and her husband, I mean, they were even comped a free meal. So it's like how it doesn't sound like racism to me, but even at the end of the day, you didn't have to pay for any of the bad food. I think that's a pretty good resolution
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 3:49
But just imagine, put yourself in the shoes of this manager cooking a meal. The time that takes for this guy to cook the meal for two people and present it and then turn it down and say, no, it's not well cooked. Go back again, put the same amount of time, cook it again and again, three times. Wild. In the other hand, there are people also in the restaurant who are waiting for their food to be ready


I think in today's world, nuance and complexity have taken a backseat, if they exist at all, for the most part, right. Everything's reduced to binary perspectives. Good, bad race, not race. Persecution, not persecution. When there's so much more going on, are we willing to ask or consider, what else could this mean? And I don't think we do that enough. It's something I try to practice myself
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:41
I mean, as a person that's lived in the north and the South, I've encountered it both places. Not to say that everything, like I said, is riddled with race, but let's not ignore the elephant in the room. It is there. It's still prevalent and even more so today with presidential candidates and previous presidents using that to promote themselves or to get stuff started. But in this instance, no, I didn't see race. So thank you, though. Bye
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:45


Hey, thank you so much for your response. I agree with your point about we weren't there. We don't know the tone that he was speaking in. We don't know how he was addressing other customers around. We don't know if he was just flat out rude from the beginning, and then this one just sent him over the edge. We don't know because we weren't there. We weren't there to see his facial expressions
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:49


I'm not going to make myself look at fault anywhere. I'm going to make it look like I'm the victim. And these horrible restaurant folks treated us like crap. I'm not going to admit that I was probably being difficult I was being a difficult customer by continuing to return food and saying that this was wrong and that was wrong and this was wrong
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:02


As a result, she is not able to run her food out to her other customers because you all keep running her back to the kitchen. This is affecting her tips and the amount of money she's able to make because she can't focus on her other customers because of you all. So you raised some excellent points from a business perspective, and I agree with you. It was not a racial issue
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:09


Girl, you raised an excellent point when you were talking about Christina and persecution. Because, to hear some Christians tell it, they are persecuted on a day to day basis. And they're not people in the United States unless they've traveled to other nations that do not regard or uphold or legalize Christianity in that nation unless less an American has traveled to a region like that. They have not even sniffed persecution, not in the United States. The Constitution protects you from virtually any persecution
Oraida Levi
@TalkswithOraida · 4:22
I just feel like the manager was just frustrated also because food was coming back and forth and there was no resolution. And he definitely addressed it the best way he could. I feel it could have really gone the wrong way. Not everything is a racial thing. There is racial issues that we hear that occur in the United States on a daily on a more serious scale. But I just feel like the situation know, the cook, the language barrier, they were new
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:04


I try not to absorb what is promoted and perpetuated in the media because the media wants us to see certain angles of life. And I'm conscientious of that fact that they want us to see certain angles of life and draw narratives from those angles that they are presenting
R. Porchia
@Block24Media · 1:34


We don't know the nuances there or how they were dealt with when they had an issue with the first meal. So that's all I was just trying to see both sides and perspectives
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:17


Thanks for answering that. I really appreciate it. I live in Chicago, one of the most racially diverse places in the nation, and one of the most prejudiced in the nation. I mean, we have different neighborhoods, irish neighborhoods, Polish neighborhoods, black neighborhoods, white neighborhoods. And if you go over in some other neighborhood where you're not supposed to be at trust and believe they're going to call the police, they're going to say something, they're going to have something to say
Magenta Deveraux
@AKAMagenta · 5:00

@DearAuntyAng @tanyacoles

Hey Tanya. Dear Auntie Ange, there's another question you put out a couple days ago, and I've read listened to your story about your friends sending back the food over and over again. I actually think that's pretty funny and bad customer service, especially with Keith Lee being a hot topic in Atlanta, here in Los Angeles, and other places where he's going to black owned establishments and restaurants helping the black community talk about bad customer service and food customer service in the restaurant
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:04


Type the natural hair that comes out of her head. She can't do it because why? We see it as too nappy. And a lot of the natural hair community, just by one way of example, this is all black people, most all black women. We will compare the three B to the four C. And how do I get my hair curly and how do I do this?
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:10


And so they keep sending the food back. And because the manager is white, obviously, even though he's comping the whole ticket, that doesn't sound racist to me. If he didn't like them, he would have just charged them for all the food that they kept sending back. But he comped the entire ticket instead. He didn't have to do that. But the fact that he was even offering to comp the ticket was not even enough for them