Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:11

#AskSwell | What Life Lesson Would You Pass On to the Next Generation?

Many times we stay in comfortable places because we believe that if we change or make a change that we're going to lose something. Whether it's a relationship, whether it's a status, whether it is our familiarity, whether it is our comfortableness, we are afraid of losing something. And so when we're afraid of loss, we sometimes become complacent. But one thing I have learned is that change does not equal loss. We're not losing anything

#askswell #life #lifelessons #wisdom #legacy

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:45
So if that first response is not heck yes, then that means it's a no. And this also ties into something that my mother tells us all the time. She says, always go with your first mind. Your first mind will never leave you wrong. And so that kind of ties into that at first is any hesitation. That means no. If
Sherridean Abddeen
@Bergilinda-23 · 4:48
So the life lesson I've learned and to be honest, that's one of my biggest life lesson because I look back and I hit 40, I've done well, I have a good job at my home, I'm doing well. And because of that marriage I lost everything. I work hard and got what I work hard for back
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:53
There's only one you. And nobody can be you better than you. And so embrace yourself. Your quirks, your flaws, your strengths, your weaknesses. Embrace every piece of you, no matter what it is. Embrace you and be you. And I'm not saying you have to go out and be conceited or arrogant or flaunt yourself or always make yourself the center of attention. Now, I'm not saying that, but just don't be afraid to be you
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:34

What life lesson would I give to the next generation. #LifeChoices. #Complacency #ComplacencyIsTheEnemy

You. Thank you for that. Interesting question. If I could leave something behind for the next generation, a bit of wordly wisdom, I would say complacency is the enemy. And I mean that by saying well, what I mean is when you're complacent, you're just stuck there. You don't want to move forward. You're satisfied with what you've accomplished and that's it. But life is so much more than just staying where you are
Rohit "ROSH" Sharma
@Foodographer · 1:11
It's. What lessons I'm going to give to the next generation is don't invest on wants, invest on needs and assets. Don't try to impress people. Enhance your quality. Be skilled. Learn current value system. Learn what is famous. Learn the skill which will help you grow. And yeah, spend more time with your loved ones. Somebody loves you, stay with them in, waste time with them. Make memories
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:16


He's more of an academic. He's got a great mind. He's very intellectual, and I would like to push him in that direction instead of watching him be disappointed over and over again. And it makes me wonder, how many times do we see kids disappointed so much because they're trying to be something that they're simply not created to be. And I get it. As a parent, you don't want to crush your child's dreams
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:50


And more young people certainly need this advice at a younger age so that they can start to secure their future at a young age and not have to wait till 30 and 40 years old to try their best to get everything set up for their fifty s. Sixty s instead. 70s, start doing it in your by 40s. You're in great shape. And so this is excellent advice. Thank you
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 0:58


Hey, sir. Thank you so much for this advice. You're right. Complacency, definitely. Ross, you of a lot of opportunities when you get to a place where you're just like, it's not so much that you enjoy where you are all the time, it's just that it's comfortable. We go to the same job every day for the next ten years because it's comfortable. I know what I'm doing. I know the people I'm working with
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 0:47


I love seeing people just being their natural, normal selves without being concerned about trying to fit into certain molds or trying to be accepted by certain circles of people. Just be yourself. You know what God has assigned you to a people. And those people will connect to your message. They will connect to your voice, they will connect to who you are. So you don't have to change and switch up to fit in or to be a part of anything. So this is great advice
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 0:51


Usually what happens is we end up leaving out screws. We end up ignoring certain parts of the directions that are important in us putting this piece together successfully, because we're trying to rush. And so, yeah, rushing almost always leads to me leaving something out, leaving something behind, ignoring important instructions and details. And I end up with a defective work instead of a completed work work. So thank you so much. This was great
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 0:48


But if it's something you have to wrestle with and I don't know, then either it's not him or it's our own personal insecurities trying to sabotage us out of an opportunity. So, yes, I agree that we know by our own discernment when something is right. And so thank you so much for this and
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:20


I learned this. This and this. I became this kind of person. I became this from it. So it wasn't all bad. It may have been a bad job opportunity or a bad business connection. But I learned this from it. And even in the good, I excelled in this area. And this is what I learned from it. So you're right, Evelyn
Joy Slaughter
@Coach-Joy · 1:09

@MsColes77 #dontworry #thingswillworkout

I think the one thing I would pass on to the next generation and tell them would be, don't worry. I wasted a lot of time worrying about things when I was young that I really didn't need to worry about. Things have a way of working out on their own. And I stressed and worried sometimes about things that never even happened, thinking all the what if gifts and they never even happened
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:45


Maybe it's societal pressure that makes us believe that by a certain age, you should be here in life, or a certain age, you should be there in life. And then when we feel like we're not meeting those quote unquote milestones and we haven't gotten accomplished certain things, by a certain age, we do start to panic a little bit, I think. And you're right
Joy Slaughter
@Coach-Joy · 1:22


You're. Thank you so much for your reply. It's nice to connect with you here on Swell and I really enjoy your podcasts and the conversations. As far as passing this on to the next generation, like I said, I still am practicing this, not to worry, but I think when I was young as well, one more thing I wanted to add was I think when you're young, you can get in the habit of comparing yourself and your journey to other people