"The Whole World is On Ozempic": Celebrity weight losses draw criticism from fans

And so recently also, we have been hearing more celebrities come out and be honest about how they're losing their weight. And some of them have been using medications like Ozempic. In fact, Kelly Clarkson and even Oprah Winfrey have both admitted to using medications to assist in weight loss. So now Christina Aguilera, who used to be a thin girl, of course she's gotten married and she's had children over the years and gotten older because getting older will help you gain weight because your metabolism slows down

#weight #ozempic #diabetes #celebrity

javon johnson
@motoblanco · 3:44
Also, a coworker is telling me about a friend of hers who was on Ozampic, and I know this sounds kind of funny, but the girl's got to be, she cannot sit down. The woman who's taken the pill has lost weight, but she's having trouble sitting down comfortably because the fat and muscle layer on her butt is gone. So most of it's gone
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:42
But the downside is that with a certain amount of people, you never know who it could be, but with a certain amount of people, it can cause lactoacidosis, which is actually deadly, which is why it's just critical to continue to take your vitamins, especially vitamin, because I think it depletes it. Something like that. I don't remember. It's all jumbled in my sugar brain right now. But, yeah, there's always a downside when it comes to medicine
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:29


He said that America, or a lot of doctors in general, are still mad. The healthcare industry is mad at all the money they lost curing polio. You think that they want to spend a lot of money on curing all these other things that's going on? No. The way that the healthcare industry makes their money is on the comeback. Like a drug addict, they make money on the fact that you have to come back for more
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:40


At the cost of looking like your face has sunken in? At the cost of being nauseous? Almost twenty four seven. Like, really? Is that what you want in order to lose weight? I don't know. And then I've seen people who have gotten off of it and they immediately gain back ten or 20 pounds just from being off of it
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 0:55


Hi, Erica. Good evening. Yeah. It sounds like a tragic comedy, but, yeah, it is kind of sad because I was telling my friend, you know, your girl should just ask the doctor to reduce the dosage or if the dosage is already small, I don't know, maybe just take, reduce the frequency of how much you're taking the pill. Maybe take it every other day
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:47


I applaud you just being willing to try new things and to continue to try things and find what works for you and find what works for your body and for your health. I think that's amazing. I ain't going to lie. I get so disappointed when I see weight loss transformation videos online. And I know that these people have either used some type of drug or surgery to aid in their weight loss. Of course, they don't come out and say it
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:59


Hey, Tanya, thank you so much for your encouragement. I really appreciate it. And it is hard work and it is a balancing act. Thank you so much for acknowledging that. Metformin, let me tell you, you know on the commercials when they say a medicine can cause explosive diarrhea, well, when they first gave metformin, I found out the hard way. I found out the hard way. I'll just leave that to your imagination