Off White
@mrwhite516Β Β·Β 5:00
Welcome to tonight's swell cast. At 03:33 a.m. We're just chilling. Here's the logo. Just making real music, you know what I mean? I've posted my band, I mean, my rap fame profile and my Snapchat profile, so you guys can hit me on there, too. Yeah, we're just chilling out here, man. Making a music, hanging out. Just, you know, having a funeral art shoot. It's pretty nifty. I like it

#underground_muzik #trench_muzik #trench_wear #THE_LONG_WINTER #BEFOR_THE_SUMMER_TO_REMEMBER #2024_44_8

Ty Dobbs
@dobbstyΒ Β·Β 0:24
What's up? Bob White? I love wawa, man. It's been forever since I've been there, but sounds like it's a vibe you got going over there right now. And, you know, stay safe and keep producing music. I think it's great. If you find a way to share some of your music here on the app, then I think that'd be pretty cool, too, you know, actually posting and recording