Now that I’m Old

Hey, so now that I'm old, I just realized the importance of the little things. You know, the picture is me eating because I'm on Instagram as eat, drink and be Marilyn and I do foodie tours in Tucson. But this isn't an advertisement. This is just me missing talking into a microphone and trying to find a platform to share ideas and fun things and antidotes, et cetera, et cetera

#aging #knowledge

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:48


S, and I absolutely think that I'm wiser and more confident and more aware than I was 20 years ago, and hopefully that will bring more opportunity and more joy. I think it already has. So great to hear your voice and bring on your friends and let's get some conversation started. I think it's a great idea. There are all sorts of people here, so I think you'll enjoy it. Welcome