d f
@MrDee · 4:59

Double standards in divorce

We know most times it's the woman who files for the divorce. We don't have to go into reasons. Sometimes the reason is substantial and it's relative, depending on who's listening or agreeing with the situation. So this post, somebody I know, she's been married to this guy for a while, and apparently something happened that's ended their relationship, some infidelity

#divorce #venting #journaling #mentalk

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:27
Hey, Mister D. I'm gonna respond to this. Although I've never been married, therefore I've never been divorced. But having many friends who are married and or divorced and some remarried, again, it can definitely make relationships very awkward. Like, right now, I am Facebook friends with one of my closest and dearest friends, ex husbands. Now, her and him are amicable. They didn't have any children together or anything like that, so it was a pretty clean split