How to Visualize and Actualize Your Success (episode 8)

When I was younger and working towards certain goals within my career, I always visualize myself way ahead of time attaining that goal. So I can tell you it definitely works

#learning #students #college #success

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:52

#visualize #mindset #magic

Drop into a headspace and then once you can maybe put on some binaural beats or something to really drop your brain into that theta state, the really calm state, like that deep meditation state
Bruno Pavlicek, PhD
@MotivateMeU · 1:55


Hey ty, good to hear from you. Thank you very much for your feedback and input. And just like he stated, you know, this process of visualization also as advocated and taught by your mentor. Yeah, it's definitely an energy shift. I would classify it as that as well, requiring imagination and as you eloquently put it, painting a picture in this situation, it's painting a picture of yourself in the context of success
Ava K
@Learningtobeme · 2:15
Hey Bruno, this is Ava here. Thank you so much for sharing this important topic today of visualizing and actually getting your success. I think it's equally important as compared to the hard work that we all put in. So actions are very, very important into achieving success in life, but equally important is to actually visualizing it as well is what I feel
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:30
You. Thank you for this reminder. It is such an important thing to do. The mind body connection is amazing and helping. Excuse me, visualizing and helping you reach your goal. I can't agree with you more. I also make vision boards too, for this exact reason. And I just. Wow. I really, really needed this. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Hope all is well. Bye
Bruno Pavlicek, PhD
@MotivateMeU · 1:24


Hi, Ava. Thanks for stopping by and for your input and feedback, your valuable feedback. You mentioned something quite important, and you're right on the money with this. The subconscious mind working behind the scenes to produce, as you said, the fruits of our labor. That's so true. And I think a lot of people maybe take it for granted of how important that is
Bruno Pavlicek, PhD
@MotivateMeU · 1:38
Hey, Leanne, thanks for visiting, and thanks for your comments and your productive feedback here, especially being a teacher. And I can see this also working with students, young students, even though it's something that I teach to my students on a college level. But you were talking about the mind body connection. Yes, definitely. And it all is part and parcel to the bigger picture, right? And it creates congruency