You can EASILY awaken FRESH and ALERT for whatever Life throws your way tomorrow. Wanna know how?

Exhale just as slowly, counting again, but backwards. Repeat this over and over again. The more nights that you do this, the faster you will sleep and the more intense and deeper you'll sleep as well. By following these directions, you'll find that in addition to going to sleep faster, it will become less restless and much more rejuvenating. So try it tonight. Here. Can to love it

#MitJ #Mother in the Jungle #Fresh #Sleep #Alert

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:22
I always have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. So I'm definitely going to try this and I hope it works. I'll report back, but thank you for sharing this. I am always looking for tips on how to rest better and how to sleep better and then of course wake up feeling better. Thank you


You. I hope you do try this, because it's really important that people realize how much our sleep is important to our well being. And what I mean is, when you think about 24 hours in a day and how much of that is supposed to be spent sleeping, you realize that your brain is constantly working and. And your subconscious and unconscious are working for or against you while you're asleep
