First Lie Wins, by Ashley Elston

So, like I said, it was a real pick up and go book. But yeah, if you're reading any books or listening to any books you like, the fast pace of action packed thinking and especially beating the woman's mind, then you will really enjoy this one. I cannot tell you really how great it is, but if you do read it, make sure and look me up later and tell me what you think, because you owe me. No, I'm kidding

#Thriller #Mystery #FastPaced

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:42
I love a good book review and this one definitely sounded near and dear. When the audio segment can be as moving as some of the just the book itself, I think that speaks volumes. I am definitely an audiobook freak. I prefer it, mostly because I find it hard to make time to sit still enough to read, and I can listen to an audiobook when I'm driving or walking or working out much like anybody else. Right