Push Yourself just a Little Bit Further

So I was not in a very good place, especially for taking care of a newborn baby. Many times I couldn't even stand or get out of bed without. I'm not going to say what happened. I couldn't make it to the bathroom. I'll just say that. So with that, caring for my kids was very difficult. There were times when I couldn't even drive to the store

#Push #Patience #Appreciation #Praise

Deborah Gilmore
@Transformation · 4:59

#Patience is A Virtue

And I believe that he wants us to learn how to have patience with ourselves, not try to rush ourselves into learning something new or doing something. Just take your time. And being a mother, being a wife, being in this world. Everybody get everything, quick. Microwave. People want it right now. I want it right now. They feel so entitled to have everything right now
Deborah Gilmore
@Transformation · 0:19

James 1:2-4

Hey, MJ. I went and searched it out. It's James chapter one. Just read the whole chapter. But the ones I want you to focus on is James one, two through four. And I didn't get a chance to finish it, but that's the one it is, so check it out


So thank you for that insight. And as far as looking up James 1234, I will do that also. So thank you so much for taking your time. That means so much to me and referring me to read that. I definitely will do that tonight. Thank you so much again, and bless you. Bye
