Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:23

Hello Moment Readers! Welcome!

We're going to be starting conversations that link directly to articles in the Moment magazine, and we're going to be initiating other conversations about the environment. I know that was a big focus in the Groundswell series

Nadine Epstein
@NadineEpstein · 0:13

So excited to be expanding the Moment convo to a new audio frontier!

Hi, everyone. This is Nadine, and I'm so glad to welcome you to Channel on Cell Life. Have fun
Noach Phillips
@nphillips · 1:25
And yeah, we're going to hopefully have a couple of them over here in this whole universe to talk with everybody about the climate and what we all are doing to adapt to this new universe verse. I like the word universe, I guess. Anyway, I'm going to stop here and wish everyone a great day. Bye
Nadine Epstein
@NadineEpstein · 1:12
We ask really important questions, the kind of questions that trouble people every day that we think about when we're sleeping in the middle of the night and we wake up questions that are existential questions that are about community questions from the heart. And we often talk to people who are really famous or known for speaking about a particular topic or have written a book about it. But really, every one of us has an important point of view and has important thoughts