Miss k D
@missKD · 1:44

Trying something out of my comfort zone

No, I don't want to be admired by other people. It's me. I want to be appreciated by myself. That, yes, I'm doing it and I'm doing it really nice that I can actually depend on it, I can rely on it and it's nice. So I suppose that everyone should step out of their comfort zone once. Whatever they want to try, they should try. They should at least give it one chance so that they can definitely get to know themselves

#fresh #swell #outofbox #new

Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 1:43
If they step out of their comfort zone, you definitely, they will have different kind of pleasure, different kind of feeling. So sometimes stepping out of comfort zone can be full of miracles
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:21
And you get to tap into those parts because you decide to step out of your comfort zone. And I think it's really important to try and do things which make you uncomfortable. Things which you know will help you, maybe you know will help you grow, will help you transform into a better person or the kind of person which you always wanted to grow into. So I think it's always worth it to take a leap of faith to try out different things