A Chat with Dr Monish Bhalla Phd, former NCB Officer, author, entrepreneur

Hello everyone. This is meera. Gopalakrishnan. And once again I am welcoming you all to my swellcast. And this time I am very, very happy to tell you that I have a very special guest on my interview today. He is none other than Dr. Monish Bala who is a former NCB officer, he is an author, he is an entrepreneur and what's more, he has been given an honorary doctorate for his contribution towards the society

#AskAuthor #Interview Dr Monish Bhalla #author #entrepreneur #inspiration #inspiring #book #motivation

Monish Bhalla
@MonishBhalla · 1:49
And the whole idea is that I always believe that the root cause of fear is lack of knowledge. And I wanted to dispel that fear in the minds of the clients or SSE, or the public. And also the root cause of corruption is also lack of knowledge. And that is what my focus is. To work and make this society a corrupt, free society, a fearless society, where people contribute themselves, their work for the betterment of the country and the society. Thank you, Meera
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 1:58


Hello sir. It's my pleasure that you are here and I'm so much inspired by your philosophy that you have got so much of experience in your life being in various government department, especially the departments that deals with narcotics and also the excise customs where we say the corruption is at the greatest. Or it is like all the drug dealers or what we say gold smugglers all are dealing with these department. And whatever corruption happens in these departments finally affects our nation as a whole
Monish Bhalla
@MonishBhalla · 4:23
Meera GST? Definitely. People feel it's a very complicated law and it was not supposed to be so complicated. Let me be very frank and fair with you. I have been associated with the subject of GST much before it became a reality. You'll be surprised to know that India's first book on GST, a comprehensive book which laid a path what GST should be in this country. The book was called GST. The game changer
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 2:52


Hello it's very interesting to know that your book came into being before GST became a law and then I'm so surprised the 2001 question answers. See I would really like to know how did you come up with 2001 questions in the first place? That can come up from all corners of the the country. And I feel that it would be a really comprehensive FIQ that almost all the questions on GST would have been answered
Monish Bhalla
@MonishBhalla · 4:58
It can ruin your career. It can ruin you. It will ruin your loved ones, your family, your parents, everything. So please be away from drugs. And I am working for a drug free society. We want a drug free nation. And we'll do everything which is required for a drug free nation and a drug free society. Government is doing a good job. The state governments and central governments are doing good job. But much more is required. This is what I say
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 2:15


Hello. Yes, sir, that one time is the biggest trap, the peer pressure or whatever we want to call it. So my dear listeners, please, please stay away. Have presence of mind, have conviction in you. It's about your life. So have a courage to own your life and your actions and let not make drugs a part of it. And yes, sir, I have heard about that. That was a big incident also and it was not a surprise
Monish Bhalla
@MonishBhalla · 2:14
And the panelists should understand that if they disagree with someone and they have got a right to disagree with anybody on a panel. So if they are discussing anything, they should try to respect each other. You have every right to disagree with each other. Let the panel discussion be informative, interesting, because ultimately why you are making this TV show or TV discussion or the news channel, it is for the viewers to see that
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 2:12


Yes, and I do feel that if this TV debates or discussions, whatever they are, if they can be made more polite acceptance disagreement in a respectful manner, they can aid a lot to the common man in understanding various topics in a much simpler language than any high expert talking in a very complicated language. So yeah, yes, I hope the discussions happen that way in future so that they can be more value add to this society
Monish Bhalla
@MonishBhalla · 3:41
I'm not a political person but I can see the vision of a Prime Minister and all the leaders who are working for the society. Even there are a lot of people in different parties who are working for the society. And definitely we have got a very rich history, we have got a rich culture, diverse economy. So India is going to have a very bright future. It has got a very bright future
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 0:57


So thank you once again for being in this webcast and my dear listeners, this is a very, very interesting and he has shared with us a lot of gems from his experience and I hope you also have enjoyed this session listening to Mr. Monish Bhalla. So this is meera signing off for today be and hope to see you all back with another gust in my next quellcast. Thank you once again. Bye