Why Women cant come together and support each other

Women with women, funny creatures. Some women can just look at another woman and decide they don't like them. What's up with that? What is that really about? You know, it bothers me because it's so unnecessary and there is so much room for us all to shine, and I don't know what is the issue with that, but it's really, really sad

#Women #friendships #no support

Talia Rodriguez JD
@Latinaherstory · 0:28


I agree. And I think that people who look at people and decide they don't like them make decisions out of fear because they are afraid of what will this person bring to my life, whether that's a challenge or an addition. But I always try to ask myself, are you jealous? Are you biased? Is there something thing that you need to work on inside yourself?


Well, if we're both interested in the same guy, or we're just interested in the same kind of guy, no name attached, no specific guy, then, well, am I going to be the shinier gem here, or is she going to be the shinier gem? And of course, then there also builds in insecurities of not being enough. However that's measured. When I listen to the language of men, the language around finding a partner is different
Talia Rodriguez JD
@Latinaherstory · 1:17


I agree. And I definitely have anxiety, and I try to interact with people in a way that makes me feel comfortable, which in New York state is basically no way. But I think the other thing you touched on is every woman has a gift. Every woman is good at something. Every person, regardless of their gender identity, is good at something
Khadijah H
@Mindsetmatters2 · 1:13


Hi, Talia. Thanks for responding. No, you're absolutely right. We have to check ourselves, especially as women, and make sure that we're not jealous about something. Or like you said, even if you're biased for whatever reason, because we all have them. So I think that's great that you're doing that. We should all do that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:54

Galentine’s Gala https://s.swell.life/STV8nm0VGxcvyRf

And they talked about how it's important to have discernment when interacting with others. And in this instance, we were talking about interacting with other women, whether just girlfriend level, like hey, girl. Or collaborating over business, family members, friendships, et cetera. And they talked about how the importance of discernment is of value
Khadijah H
@Mindsetmatters2 · 4:51


So in my head, I'm like, I couldn't imagine why you would have a problem with me, or rather and I just have a problem with me because I, you know, intimidated or maybe what do you think? Because she only is around asking a lot of questions, and I'm not an open person. I don't just give out information, but I'm thinking, it's okay, honey
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:36


Even if you do not believe in God or a God and your thing is the universe, then you understand the principle along with God. For those of us who are Christians is abundant, more abundant than we could ever think to ask for or even begin to think to ask for. And so because there's so much more than we can think or even begin to think to ask for, there is enough for everyone. Think about the number of people in the whole entire world