Recession-Proof Your Career

These are seven ways that you can focus on that will give you the best chance for success. I'd love to hear what some of the strategies you guys have going on and how you're helping yourself. And let's get this done together. Thanks

7 strategies to recession-proof your career #career #economy #jobmarket

Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 4:37

@michele_NCLLC - Different dynamics

But the effectivity of these strategies kind of do not have the desired results in such dynamics because then it's almost like you are left to chance that there are 500 resumes for that job and your resume is lying at number 397. What are the odds that the recruiter will go through all of them and find your resume out there? If your resume is not there in the top ten or even say, top 20, the likelihood of you landing that job is less than 2%