Mia Blue
@Miabluemusic · 4:52

First podcast

Hello, everyone. My name is Mia. I'm so glad to be here and to be talking to all of you. Welcome. I hope you enjoy my little swell. I'm a roller skater. I'm 50 years old. I love to dance on roller skates. Currently, I am a preschool teacher. I'm the mom of three children. My oldest is 20, and then my middle child is 15 and my youngest is twelve

#welcome #hello #first #podcast

Love LadyO 💋
@loveladyo · 1:17
And it's such a great way to just kind of chill, relax, exercise, move. So I definitely appreciate you sharing that with us. And again, welcome in 50, where yes. Wonderful. I love it. We are here for it. I can't wait to hear more from you when you decide what you're going to do with your amazing podcast. And don't call it your little podcast. This is the thing you're doing and own it. You have a voice
Mia Blue
@Miabluemusic · 2:15


But I have hard wood, so I'm pretty lucky. I actually, when I first started skating, during the pandemic in my house, I did a lot of, like, chores. I clean the kitchen, I mop the floor, I clean the bathroom. I do laundry all on roller skates, which makes it a lot more fun. I don't know about you