Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:56

Perceptual Errors: Stereotyping

These have been going on for years and centuries and throughout time. And these stereotypes are massive, massive perceptual errors. So I ask you, what have you encountered as a perceptual error in stereotyping within your life? I'm very interested to hear your answers. I know that for myself, there's a lot of that goes on for me, being a woman, being over 50, and also being a white woman, that happens, too. Ethnicity, race, you got it

#stereotyping #perceptual #errors #gender #race #sexuality #disability #ageism #culture #religion #political

Bruno Pavlicek, PhD
@MotivateMeU · 3:52
They're going to be snobbish, or they're going to be arrogant. They don't like Americans. And I made an effort to really learn how to speak French because I thought it was a challenge to me, a personal challenge, and I wanted to show French people a level of respect, that I was trying to learn their language. And you know what? Well, that may not be the case. It may be the case, and if it was the case, I believe it worked
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:08


Hello. Happy Saturday. Thank you so much for sharing those stories. And when you were talking about the French story and you began and said you learned to speak French because you wanted to respect the country. And see, here's the thing. Respect is a big thing when it comes to relationships, even if they're very brief relationships like when you're in a restaurant ordering or the people that these are all relationships, too
Bruno Pavlicek, PhD
@MotivateMeU · 1:40
Hi, Bo. Just a quick response. I definitely, 100% agree with you. People are people. We are all the same. Except we have you know, I forget exactly how you said it, but different. We're different in our details. And yeah, we have to appreciate that. That goes without saying