And I think that's the biggest problem after that, you know, everything that happens, they keep blaming the kids up until even the kids are like 30, 40 years of age. They still get to hear that, you know, you don't listen to me. You don't. The other, other kids are so nice. The other kids have gotten so much success. That person, kid is a government official. That person, kid, kid is in us. You know?

#foodforthought #parenting #mydiary


And these are things that happen to parents and then those parents conduct their children in the same way and so on and so forth. This is how it continues on. Now, a lot of things are not right and they still continue on


And we, we have to understand and look at them as people who are manipulative, as people who are something wrong with them even though they are our parents and something is wrong. It's very difficult to look at it, look at them like that because we come from our parents and as if, like then if this, if something is not right there, it doesn't feel something right with us as well
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:59
You, you're behaving so dominantly, and so this, I am in control of you. I control your life. I am this, I am that. They do not even want to share anything with you. So you are creating the blockage between you and your child and nobody else is to blame. Instead, try to understand where they're coming from