#HarryPotter | If I could invent my own spell...

So basically I would make my mind like a storage device and the books, as you know, and just transfer data from books to my mind and store in, say, alphabetical order or something like that, and can access it easily whenever I want to. So, yeah, I think this will be a dream for all the students out there. Bye

#BookReview #spphpp2 https://s.swell.life/SUANaIKTjLEqeRB #jkrowling #bookworm #books @wordsmith

Nupur Upadhyaya
@Nupz33 · 1:21
So maybe think about that because otherwise if you just, you know, put everything that's on a certain page or certain book, if you put every single word or a byte or what do we say, a packet of information, it's probably gonna harm your brain. I'm not sure if the human brain is wired for this, unless of course you increase its capacity to think. So increase the grey matter. But again, I digress. Good idea though. Nice