A very important micro observation about our life,

Or maybe I want to go to that place you keep on desiring and keep on desiring. But if you don't act according to those desires, if you just continuously keep on desiring everything, then your mental health becomes weaker, weaker and weaker. Because sooner or later that desire will take you over and you will start missing out something. I mean you will feel that oh, I should have done that, I should have done that. This I wanted to do that, I couldn't do it

#mentalhealth #emotions #action #love #life #health #happiness #desire #emotions

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:49
Hi. Manoj you are absolutely right. Whatever decision we take and whatever act we do, it is the result of the desires that we have in our mind. So when the desires become very strong, they actually compel us to act and finish the things that we are desired to. So that is how the thoughts turn into actions. That is reason people say have a strong desire