Are you practicing Patience?

Good evening. Good evening. You know who it is? This is lovepebbles. This is straight from the heart and I wanted to get online today in regarding to inspiration, advice, inspirational messages. In regards to patience, I was doing some reading earlier and I saw this and I can agree and attest to what it says. It says patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting

#patience #SlowDown #Don’tRush #relax

Althea Mullings
@Thea52 · 1:02
I just want to make sure I clear that up because of the fact that dealing with people, it takes patience. Let me tell you, it takes a lot of patience dealing with certain people because sometimes you feel like that they are either narcissists or, you know, it's just patience is a good thing to have. And talking about patience, I think that's a good thing to talk about because everyone doesn't have patience. So that's a good topic. All right. You be blessed
latoya barze
@Lovepebbles · 0:31


You. Absolutely. Thank you. I appreciate the feedback. And, yes, it is something that must be practiced. And I speak on a lot of topics that I've, you know, situation, things that I've been through. And it's a growing experience for all of us. So I like to share, you know, real life experience straight from the heart. So I'll definitely be speaking on real life situations, you know, that we can apply to our everyday lives