Temperance (rev) + 6 of pentacles

Make sure you're giving to the right person. Make sure you're taking care of yourself first before you take care of many or somebody else. You need balance and to have balance, there has to be reciprocation in your relationship and within yourself. That's the only way things will start to flow. Have to be careful. You have to be careful. And that's where I'm going to end it. I hope you guys received that message. Thank you so much for tuning in. Bye

#imbalance #health #pentacles #earthsigns #flow #astrology #tarotcards #spirituality #sage #giveandrecieve #wisdom #relationships #love #toxic

Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:13
London Reads I just wanted to say that I've been enjoying your posts, so some days it seems extremely relevant and I just look forward to it. Thank you
London Reads
@Londonreads · 0:38


Hey, thank you so much for tuning in to my readings. I'm so honored and so glad that you're tuning in and you can relate to it and you take from it. And I just I just I love this app. Really do. It's a genius, marvelous idea. And I will be sure to continue inspiring people, allowing people to have a different outlook on life, giving people advice and so forth. With my readings, I will make sure I continue to do so