Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:15


I think about how something that pure can just expire. I play old songs, write new lyrics, put my hands all over my raw, nascent creation resurrect us

#poetrymonth #poem #poet #lovepoem #poets #resurrection #solareclipse #eclipseportal #creator #creation #goddess

Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:41


You. This is hauntingly beautiful. Hauntingly beautiful. And it touches a part of my soul that you just don't even know. And I think because of the way that it depicts not understanding almost, why someone would want what you offer and then them accepting it. I don't know. It's just for me, everything's perception, right? Perception and intention. I love this piece. Like, I really do. It's beautiful
Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyou · 1:10
It's that was so beautifully fragile. I like the story of it. I can relate. It's like the brokenness in you is somehow although you were held and you are whole, the brokenness persists and kind of sabotages things and you're left with this kind of repentance and regret and bittersweet longing for something that was so perfect, that pinnacle of perfection that we it we so yearn for. But we often destroy it ourselves because we don't feel that we're worthy
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 0:10


Thank you. Love so much. I so appreciate you listening. And always love to hear your feedback
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:19


And that actually allows me to receive love. Go figure, right? But thank you, friend, so much for listening and for your since. Seer and always much appreciated feedback
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 0:28
It. Wow. That was a really beautiful poem. I loved the vulnerability, the tenderness, just sort of hit so many range of emotions that all complemented each other. The word play in the it felt no, really, really wonderful. Beautiful palm
Becky Butler
@bc75 · 1:47
You. Hi, Laura. I really enjoyed this piece and it prompted a further piece that I started. The intonation of our voice, the way it rolls off the tongue with ease and quiet, graceful strength. Words drip as honey onto the page, hitting the paper to say something new. Hitting the paper to say something new. Intrinsically expression, if only for self expression. We need to stand in our truth, be held in our truth, and loved for our truth
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 0:11


Hey, Glenn. Thank you so much for stopping by and taking a listen. I really appreciate that. And I so appreciate your feedback as well
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 0:20


You. Hey, Becky, thanks for listening and thanks for sharing your poem. I really liked the part about the doors that really resonated with me. So thanks again for listening and replying and sharing your work
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:27
And that is what this piece reminds me of, that beautiful awakening of soul where you finally begin to see yourself and know, not just believe, but know that you are a beautiful creation and a beautiful entity. And that's what she made me feel. And that's what this piece makes me feel that grasping of personal, intimate beauty of self and understanding that self is such an amazing gift. So thank you once again, Laura. You always bring something amazing to me
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:43

@Pixiepoet4life #queerlove #lgbtqia

Ah, this was everything. And if if my poetry can make someone feel seen, then I've done what I need to do. That is that is the highest compliment. I'm so thankful and thrilled that that this piece has done that for you or any of my other pieces. And your beautiful story about your lover, I feel like that is such an accurate portrayal of queer love. I have experienced that same
Dom Gatto
@stone · 0:24
You. Wow. What a beautiful, beautiful poem. I can certainly resonate with it. How can something so beautiful expire the pushing away, the staying, the leaving, the heartbreak? This poem truly, truly touched me. Thank you