Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 4:46

Dogs and fireworks

I know that with my dog sometimes traveling, getting ready to go on a plane, she becomes very nervous. She does not like to be crated and I don't blame her. And in those cases I've had to go to the veterinarian and actually pick up a pharmaceutical type sedative to calm her down. She is an English bull terrier and if you know anything about English bull terriers, they are very hyper, very high strung and very vocal

What do you do with a nervous dog durring fireworks?

souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 1:22

@marklesserart @lokigen I am seriously starting to hate fireworks.

And it's still really problematic because of the vibration, not just the sound. It does really feel like, in my home that there is a bomb that's gone off. So those are the things I can recommend. But I feel like there's more that can be done. There's certain medication that can be given the day of that appear to be stronger and some medicine that is better for the long haul. And, of course, it just depends on breed. Happy fourth
phil spade
@Phil · 1:34


Just as I'm drifting off, a couple more go off, and then 01:00 A.m., all of a sudden somebody decides, hey, we either use it or lose it, so let's go ahead and put them out there at 01:00 A.m.. And if it scares me, it is going to scare a pet. If you're startled, that is going to cause anxiety in your pet as well
souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:33

@Phil @marklesserart 4th of July Fireworks.

It's. Mark, that's a great idea. I wish someone would implement that. And Phil, thanks for also responding. I totally agree. It's the randomness of it for me as well because it could be any time between 10:00 A.m. And three in the morning. And weirdly enough, I live in the middle of the woods, so it's like very serene and it just compounds the amplification. Anyway, I hope I get some sleep tonight. I hope everybody else does too. Bye
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 0:34
It. Love the fact that you stayed home with the dogs. Yeah, absolutely. I think the way we react the dogs definitely thrive off of that. And that whole no big deal attitude, I think, does count for a huge amount. A huge amount with the dogs, because you can definitely see them looking towards you all the time for reassurance, and that's awesome. That's cool, man. I do the same thing
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 2:04


We have drones now that will go up and do a beautiful light display. Absolutely stunning, very cool to watch. We don't need the explosions, I don't think. And if so, maybe it shouldn't be in neighborhoods. Maybe we should have designated areas where people go to light off these fireworks where they know it's going to be blasting off and going crazy. That way, if they bring their pets, that's on them. But I do completely sympathize here in Garden Grove
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 0:42


You're. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I just mentioned that friends of mine had just come back from a Dead and company, the Grateful Dead sort of continuing band festival show thing. And they had drones, a light display with drones. And from what I could see on their phones, it looked amazing. And I don't see why Disneyland and the Grateful Dead are the only ones that should be utilizing such a cool technology, so yeah, definitely cool
Sea O'Mahoney
@Lokigen · 3:12


Yeah, that seems to be a common theme here. The fact that they're at random times. They're way more, I guess, explosive, loud concussion type sounds. And they're in neighborhoods I'm all for light display, go down to the bay, watch them fire it off for an hour or so. You're right, anybody can kind of manage that, especially with their pets
Wehi 808
@storiesofhawaii · 1:32

#dogs #4thofjuly

You. Hey there. Thank you for sharing this. I have two dogs at home, and one of them gets really freaked out, and she tends to jump into the tub and she shakes and she pants, too. And this past 4 July, I got her out of the tub, and then she peed on me. Oh, my goodness. And I had to clean myself up
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 1:00

@Lokigen @Phil - frazzled dog and its owner displaced by fireworks:) image of just one corner after the 4th.

And it does sound like bombs when you're sitting in your bed at 03:00 in the morning. I wanted to show you a picture of one corner after the fireworks when I lived in New york City. So imagine four corners of that amount of fire. It works. It's crazy. Anyway hope you guys are recovering. I know we're still trying to recover here